dinsdag 18 oktober 2022

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

THE COSMIC PULSE: One by One, everyone all over this beautiful planet is becoming more sensitive to energy. This has many connotations. MANY…But this post is specially about ALIGNING the Heart Centre, Body and Mind to the Cosmic Pulse. As I’ve written many times since 2014, the awakening of dormant parts of the brain is PRE-DESIGNED in each one’s DESIGN, prior to their incarnation. When synapses within the brain spark electricity to the next synapse and the next. This is the beginning stage of intricate and complex increased electrical activity within the brain. It begins with the sensation of tickles or itchiness on the scalp of the head. This is just the beginning stage where that expands into vibrations, then Vibrational Patterns within the brain, and then into the body. Eventually the whole physical body vibrates with MULTIPLE VIBRATION PATTERNS. This change occurs for each, and becoming more WIDESPREAD throughout humankind, in more recent years. It will continue to be felt widespread throughout humanity. It is a vast subject yet suffice to say it impacts the physical, mental and emotional. Vibrational coding sequences, permeate the body. There are many patterns. As described in past posts and drawings in previous years postings. All Vibrational patterns ARE available to each body. The focus at this COSMIC POINT is on the INCREASE in strength in Hertz, to the vibrations. Our Sun is providing this CONTINUED increase, together with Incoming light codes and Vibrational patterns. COSMIC PULSE: At your OWN STAGE, very individually, you will notice a PULSE in your body. It becomes EVER PRESENT in your body. This is NOT your heartbeat. It is NOT your pulse related to circulation of blood flow either. It is THE COSMIC PULSE. Over the years of physically feeling and working with ENERGY, I share the following to support you in these times of increased Solar Activity that is EVER increasing in HERTZ FREQUENCIES, which affects your body: MERGE: If you feel the Cosmic Pulse as a physical CONSTANT Vibrational PULSE throughout your body, to practice the following as ONE WHOLE ENERGETIC MERGING: 1] BREATHE LOVE into your Heart Centre (not the actual physical heart). BREATHE LOVE out of your Heart Centre. The whole point of this in this particular activity is to MERGE your BREATH WITH your HEART CENTRE. 2] Doing above, now MERGE your MIND to the BREATH and the HEART CENTRE. You will notice you drop all thoughts as the MIND aligns to BOTH. 3] With the Breath, Heart Centre and Mind MERGED as ONE coherence, now MERGE to the COSMIC PULSE felt within your body. In this State of MERGE, you are aligning and working WITH the Cosmic Pulse. It becomes ONE. There is no separation between the PULSE and ‘you’. You feel complete PEACE. You are the PULSE. This is your expansion. And it doesn’t end there. Although I’m describing an energetic practice, it BECOMES YOU. Where there is NO practice, no TRY. You become that alignment of Heart Centre, Mind, Body, Cosmic Pulse. As a way of daily living state. Aligned to ENERGY. In every day living BALANCE. As energy. Practicing working with energy provides MORE expansion. Where you become ONE with all Incoming Energies. Not separate, or in resistance, or in fear. You are Cosmic , remembering to become Cosmic Beings with the physical body knowing HOW to work with energy. AS energy. At ENERGETIC STATE. This is just one practice I’ve done for a few years now. It is just my own way 🙏. I share as many struggle with the increases of HERTZ FREQUENCIES. We don’t have to feel at the mercy of increased frequencies of Incoming Energy. We just have to choose. When we MERGE with ENERGY, we increase our own HERTZ FREQUENCY consciously so. So we receive MORE, and can easily absorb MORE and MORE. We can then experience all incoming energies as Bliss and Ecstasy, IF we work with energy, allowing OURSELF to return to BEING ENERGETIC. As a State. With ENERGETIC abilities. I pray this assists. And just discard if it doesn’t resonate. With Love Always, Amanda Lorence 18 October 2022