vrijdag 21 oktober 2022

Sacred Temple while in Egypt! Lots to share and Activate! ~ L'Aura Pleiadian

Sacred Temple while in Egypt! Lots to share and Activate!
The Opening of PORTALS and The Frequencies of Light For Your ALCHEMY and ASCENSION ~ Are Profoundly Accelerated NOW!


Every 11 ~ 33 Minutes after the Hour

I am receiving intense new Downloads!
Activating all of this within YOU!
Every hour!
VERY powerful unlike anything else before, in any way!
New Timelines coming through NOW.
Holding you in YOUR Transformation!
You can reach out to my Light at any time, and also focus in on any or everywhere hour ~ RECEIVING Light Frequencies for your Ascension.
Holding you in Love! Always and in the Glory of Your Higher Self!
The HOURLY Activation is an energy transmission to YOU on all levels of your being, SHIFTING your Frequency.
IT IS every 11 minutes after the Hour till 33 Minutes after the Hour.
Every Hour ~ 24/7
The Blue Avians are NOW joined in the HOURLY Divine Ascended Being Activation. As well as the Divine Council of Overseers, in which I attend the Council Meetings at the HIGHER LEVELS and DIMENSIONS.
FOR your INTENTIONS: Focus on your Intention hourly OR set your intention for the day at the beginning of every day and if possible at the end of every day.
You will be guided to what your intention will be (and this may change) as you literally are your intention (your field of awareness that is united with matter at the subconscious level) this will include your next level SHIFTS in consciousness. Which includes the change in timelines and frequency.
You do not need to be focus on your intention every hour, although you may notice you feel the frequencies in your field, during the hourly activation.
This is Transmitted to you, Beyond Time and Space. Where there is NO Distance and NO Limitation.
You may leave your intention, focus, changes and requests here as often as you would like. I feel you even if I do not respond, Please know that.
To read more about this Hourly Activation:
in IEternal Love and Bliss!
L'Aura Pleiadian