zondag 16 oktober 2022

Extremely Strong SOUND and LIGHT CODES are BE-ing Activated in our SOULS Right NOW as WE Speak! ~ Pars Kutay

Extremely Strong SOUND and LIGHT CODES are BE-ing Activated in our SOULS Right NOW as WE Speak!
As conditions in any Planetary Realm BEcome more chaotic. . . DIVINE SOURCE increases “ITS” Spiritual Electromagnetic Frequency of SACRED LIGHT.
During this Space / Time Continuum. . . various lower vibratory levels of Consciousness that Manifest as political turmoil and sociological confusion will BE Allowed to BE Witnessed. . .
and Agendas that were once Secret will BE KNOWN by the Planetary Populace.
As DIVINE LIGHT Surges into Cells. . . Molecules. . . the Nucleus. . . Atoms. . . Sub-Atomic Particles . . .
the DNA—Affecting Consciousness—whatever is most prevalent in a person will BE more Evident while the LIGHT does the Work of Clearing. . . Cleansing and Illuminating.
Those Who have been Blessed with HIGHER KNOWLEDGE and Who are recently BEginning to Receive it. . .
Must remain Vigilant as the programs of disharmony play their loud non-rhythmic “tunes” of confusion.
WE Must Stay within the LIGHT of the HIGHER SELF which is the SOUL which is DIVINE SOURCE FREQUENCY at All Times.
Earth / Gaia is in “Labour” as “She” is Given Intensified Doses of DIVINE LIGHT in order to “Birth” Creation ANEW—and So Are WE.
WE Are in the “Labour” of the LIGHT!
Pars Kutay