zaterdag 15 oktober 2022

Energy Update ~ Judith Kusel

Immensely powerful keys and codes are being activated directly in our souls now and as you are reading this, more will be activated.

Open yourself to receive in the highest sense, as these will trigger deeply what is there already within you, so that you can navigate the immensity of what is about to happen. These are like a map to guide you fully into the New Earth and the New Crystalline Lightbody form and existence.

It is time to fully claim your cosmic citizenship and act as the Universal soul you in truth are.
Leave the old you totally behind. All that no longer serves you.
Open your arms wide to receive gratefully and gracefully all the Divine wishes to bestow upon you.

Be open to a totally new life and beginnings.
Every single step now is carrying us beyond all which ever was and has been on earth before.

Let those who wish to cling onto the old earth, play out their dramas.
Do not allow yourself to be pulled back in.
Rise above it and enter cosmic space.

There is so much new to embrace, to explore, to experience, to marvel about, to cocreate with love and loving intent in the new earth.
Always seek the highest and you will be lifted beyond the beyond.
Lift your inner eyes higher so that you can truly see.

There is so much to be grateful for, to much new to embrace fully, so much to love, as blessings upon blessings are pouring in.
We are being carried on the wings of angels and being sung into the New Creation by the Seraphim.

"Lift up your eyes to the mountains. From whence comes your help. It comes from the Divine Source who is within you, all around you, and without."

Photos: Judith Kusel