donderdag 27 oktober 2022

Collapse of the Old Timelines, Orders, Status Quo plus 3D Matrix – the Blessings unfold ~ Judith Kusel

Collapse of the Old Timelines, Orders, Status Quo plus 3D Matrix – the Blessings unfold.

There is a huge collapsing of the Old 3D matrix Timelines, Old order, old Status quo, etc. as the ascension process is accelerating. The Old Earth is disintegrating extremely fast now, and so is everything within her.

I am shown this in so many ways, and indeed, the more one tries to hold everything together, which has been before, and seemed to add security to one’s life, the more all will just collapse. For security indeed, is illusional.

I remember when my whole life collapsed in 2004, and I eventually, had the guts to resign from the job I held then, after being severely challenged on all fronts, that I had no idea where my life was heading, nor how I would be able to survive. In a higher sense I now understand that I was being pushed to the limits, in order to shed the old me, the old life forever, for it no longer served my highest soul growth and good. This is so true for this time in particular!

All I had to go on, was a vision I had been given at the time. I had no idea what was happening to me, and why.

I was taken by my higher guides onto a huge cliff and then I was shown thousands of people in the valleys below. “How long are you going to stand at the edge of this cliff, and not have the guts to jump down, and finally do the work your soul has incarnated to do? You see all those people down there: - they are waiting for you to do the work you are now supposed to be doing.” I was then shown an eagle’s nest with eaglets inside, and then shown how the mother eagle was kicking them out of the nest, so that they had to find their wings to fly! The next day I put in my resignation.

To say that my life was easy sailing since that day, is not the truth. Indeed, I was severely challenged. I sought the inner healing I needed to dissolve the emotional charges I had around the whole situation which had caused the resignation, and then I just knew that I had to set out on the journey of rediscovery I was called to do, as by this time my whole psychic centers had opened, and I was seeing energy lines in the earth and downloading information, and doing energy work, which led to me writing these experiences down in my book: “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom.” All of this on trust and faith alone for I had no idea where all of this was leading me. All I knew is that this was my calling and I was following my call!

Yet, then by then I had run out of money, and was forced to look for some way to survive. I thus chose to teach in the Middle East for a year – and that proved to be one of toughest periods of my entire life, an initiation on its own, and indeed taught me the value of freedom, especially as a woman. It served in its own right.

When I came back I literally had not a cent to my name and ended up with family. I tried to get a job, but to avail. So I did odd jobs, anything which came up and even ended up pet sitting and home sitting. It was then that I realized that I had to seek now truly to put my life back on track and thus indeed started to map out what I would really love to do, be, and what I would wish to contribute to life, in highest loving service.

When one lives with one’s family, resentment does grow. They start resenting that I had to support someone extra, and I resented needing to ask for money. I also realized that I was not standing in my own power, and needed to work on this.

I realized that I needed to do a lot of healing work in and around abundance consciousness, and dissolve poverty consciousness, and indeed dissolve all emotional charges regarding the ENERGY of money, as means of exchange. The Energy of money is NEUTRAL and it is whatever you project onto it, is what you draw more of into your life, for you manifest you own reality. I also realized it had a lot to do with self-worth. If you believe you deserve only truly little, that is what you get more of. If you believe you are worthy of receiving a much, that is what you draw into your life.

More than this my family did not understand what was happening to me either, and more so because I suddenly could not resonate with so much any longer, and knew I had to seek the highest truth within me. I was not distancing myself from the Divine - indeed, I was now experiencing the Divine in the highest ways, I could not even put into words. But no one understood. Yet I was always supported by the Divine Teams, and even though I was alone, I was never lonely.

At that time, I vowed that if I could not inspire myself, I would inspire others, and encourage them, and be a leading light to them – and in so doing, I became inspired too. My deepest prayer was to be able to lovingly serve from my heart and soul and the depths of my being, in highest loving service for the highest good of all.

It became an initiation of trust, and those leaps of faith into the unknown. As soon as I started dissolving the emotional charges, and baggage, doors suddenly opened which had not been there before. Indeed what I asked for when going on that journey of faith for my book, was answered. I ended up, where I asked for in 2009! I was offered a part time job doing admin work, and the pay was just enough to pay the rent.

In my spare time I started to do what I would love doing, and created my own website, and then started doing my Soul Readings and sharing my writing globally. More leaps of faith – and more, yet I now experienced what it was like to be carried through, to always walk in the company of heavens, and the more this happened the more I became AS ONE with the Divine, within me – and this was the greatest of all gifts and still is becoming and growing into more and more!

Yet, even with this, with all the collapsing, I am finding that what had been told to me a year ago, that I needed to become No-thing in order to become every-thing and experience All-things. So daily more is dissolving, and I am rejoicing in this. For the more which is dissolving and is being left behind, the freer and lighter I become. This is indeed how consciousness grows, and how ascension happens. One is freed on all levels of existence and now ready to climb ever higher as one ascends the many tiers and levels of the spiral of creation!

I am sharing this, as I am often asked, how do you do this? How do you keep focused?
When one is so filled with Divine within, every moment of being alive becomes an act of love and highest loving service. I live my highest soul purpose and calling, with all that I am. It is what gives me joy, awe and wonder, and indeed fills me with the deepest gratitude and keeps me humbled. For I realize that in the vastness of Divine creation, there is indeed so much to discover, so much to explore, so much to stand in awe and wonder of, so much to be inspired by, that the Old Earth and all her tantrums bother me no more.

For indeed, what I know and what I have experienced, is that with every seeming collapse, the new is being born!

Fear in any form is what has held humanity back – more than anything else. For fearful people as easy to control, and even easier to manipulate and to lead astray.
As long as I clung onto anything or anyone, or bought into fear, I was holding the whole ascension process up, and was causing my own suffering. Once I let go completely, I that I was given so much and in forms I could never have imagined before! I found the Divine wind beneath my wings lifting me every higher than ever before!

And it is time for a much higher and new Creation, and a much higher dimensional state, where all is One and where Unity consciousness reigns and the Power of Love.
And this is where the greatest challenge, and yet blessings reside: for we cannot create Unity consciousness if we are not in unity INSIDE ourselves! It is only when the ONE is fully present within- and the ONE can manifest without!

For all paths lead within – to the Self, and within the SELF lies the WHOLE!
Divinity is within. Yet the more Divinity is found and experienced and lived within, the more it is found everywhere and within all encounters, experiences and indeed expression and forms.

There is only love - all else is Illusion!
The Ascension now is into the Highest States of Unconditional Love and Unity, within and without.
Judith Kusel

Photo: Source unknown. If you know the Source, please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source. Thank you!