woensdag 19 oktober 2022

Been feeling some really big shifts in the Energies today. ~ Mary Long

Been feeling some really big shifts in the Energies today.

The Symphony of Frequencies have been playing very loudly in my Ears, sometimes it is almost deafening.
It is like I am hearing all the Spheres in our Solar System Playing me a Tune, the spheres I refer to is the planets and our galactic sun.

Feels like everything has amped up and you can feel it within your cells. Sometimes I get this tingling in my left hand and then my right hand, then one will go numb. Weirdest thing I have every experienced and it does this on both hands.

When my Legs Feel heavy it feels as if the gravity has changed, especially when we are getting CME's.
Actually, I am enjoying this, tuning into everything around me is bringing me to a greater awareness of just how connected we are to everything, Including the Universe.

It is something I have always known but to experience it while fully aware with my eyes open has been amazing. I Trip out on some things I see, and if it is something unfamiliar, I will spend hours focusing on it, observing and connecting so I can become one with what I am seeing. If I can connect with its energy that is how I know that it is real.

So many amazing things are occurring on this Planet Loves, many new things to experience but if you allow yourself to continue being wrapped up in outer distractions, we might miss them.
Spend time with You, Get to know who you are at the deepest Level, don't be afraid to dip your toes in that unknown territory because I promise once you experience yourself in totality you will never go back to feeling separated from the Whole.

This Wholeness is within us all, we just occupy our minds to much with unnecessary problems in the World that really has nothing to do with you but has everything to do with the Deep State that continues orchestrating events to distract us.

I know this has been the subject of choice this week, but I just don't want people slipping back into old patterns unless there is something more that needs healed from it. Once in a while I dip back into that old 3D mindset, only to remember that I don't live there anymore.
The Love we have for all Life is our Greatest Strength, as we continue to unify and stay in this space of Unconditional Love we are literally helping the entire planet.

Keep Elevating the Love Dear Ones, Cultivate those Seeds you have planted allow them to burst into consciousness and allow yourselves to experience all that you are.
Sending Love and Healing to all you beautiful Souls out there.

Have a Magical Eventful Evening.