vrijdag 14 oktober 2022



It has been a truly powerful time back in Peru. Deep cosmic shifts. The culmination of lifetimes. We turned a huge corner. The unification of Earth and stars. I am in absolute awe! Here's what the Lyrans shared after the full Rainbow Codes were restored to Earth:
"We were the lion and lioness beings. The Lyrans. Bringing liberation. But they didn't want it. They were too attached to their corruption and wars. So we hid the codes until it would be time for one of us to come back and unlock them.
"You have travelled through ages to bring this. Your Rainbow Tablets books and programs are creating an 'army' of Rainbow Frequency Keepers. This is how it will be won. Not through a battle. But through embodiment. Through the remembering. We've been preparing for this moment for centuries.

"We are restoring sovereignty for all beings. We are taking back Earth on behalf of all sovereign beings.
"We are standing in the Rainbow Codes through all times. Ancient times united. Reclaiming Earth. The old order is done. This was thousands of years of work to this moment. We are now holding those lines through time and space. The Rainbow Warriors. Keepers of peace. We ensure Earth remains home of the sovereign.
"The Indigenous ancestors are doing what they need to do. Treaties are being formed. History is being rewritten. So much suffering is being removed from the land. They are forming one nation - the Rainbow Nation. This is the unification of Earth and stars.
"The central energy of truth is: 'You are source, as is everything around you.'
"This is really what it was all leading you back to. Restoring the Rainbow Frequency. The remembering that you are The All as is every other being. That's what it is all about.
"Nothing you do as your expression really matters. It is just for fun and co-creation. All that matters is your own embodiment. You need to BE The All. BE love. That's all that matters.
"We all have to choose to come back to source. No one can make the choice for anyone else.
"We did not fail in the ancient enlightened civilisations. We were seeding the codes for this moment. The coming together of Earth and stars. Earth Elders and Star Keepers.
"It is about restoring unity. Sovereignty. It is going to ripple out through the embodiment. You need to bring back the remembering through your embodiment."