zaterdag 3 september 2022



Many of us have crossed the finish line and are allowing a deep rest and surrender to the Divine, as we have landed firmly on New Earth which shall become more and more apparent and visible very quickly now as our DNA is being rapidly ignited. Our eyes are adjusting to our new environment and 360 degree crystal clear vision, as all interference patterns and the last veil fully dissolve, so they may get a little blurry, along with many of the usual Ascension and purification symptoms.

We just hit KP5 and have had 15 C-class Solar Flares and a filament eruption, on Friday the 2nd (UTC). Nothing too note worthy to report as such anymore, ever since the baseline started to move up to, and settling around the C-class level in December 2021, when The Event sequence started. The Schuhmann Resonance has been more activate these past few days again with intermittent spikes, but has been overly quiet these past hours.

The 12D pointed Quantum Tree of Life, the Music 🎼 of the Spheres, our Original Divine Blueprints plus Upgrades, are fully anchored and activating within us now and throughout the Grids, along with very powerful Grid and Crystalline Activations taking place.

Our Original Divine Blueprint and Perfect Proton Seed, our Original Source Codes, have been re-claimed and are being fully activated within the 144 and Forerunners now.

Feel into the ONEness and Frequency of Divine Love that is washing over all of Creation now, Healing our Hearts and Minds, bodies and Souls, dissolving rapidly all that is no longer aligned with our Heaven on Earth, and Cosmic Consciousness Embodiment, here now!

I recommend plenty of time resting, meditating and in silence as this is how we allow the full healing down to our cellular structure and CNS, for all remaining interference patterns to clear now. This is also where we retrieve our unique instruction sets, downloads and Upgrades the best, and merge with our ancient future, Multidimensional, Diamond Avatar Self, already ascended, which is now being ignited from deep within our Crystal Heart and DNA. Try and fully RELAX your whole body as much as possible to help your whole morphogenetic field to fully heal down to the cellular, atomic and molecular level, and collapse the false Realities within the Zero Point Field of Divine Love and Neutrality, in quantum no-time. Collapse the quantum wave function so Source can dream a new dream through us..

It's like we're going back in time to the start, back to the future, like reversing or going back in time but actually it's forward. Again time doesn't exist at a higher dimensional level so future would be higher dimensional Frequency bands = Realities. All that is of a lower vibratory Frequency, Energy and Vibration is simply not able to withstand these super high Frequencies and Pure Source Love Light, streaming in VERY powerfully now, obliterating all fallen Matrixes, inorganic and artificial materials, entities, systems and structures, in it's wake.

All that is false, artificial and inorganic is being purged fully from our bodies, fields and that of the planet as well as Universe, and cosmically from all dimensional levels, as they too merge as ONE. So this is a massive cellular quantum clearing that is either going to make you feel very uncomfortable or allows you to drop into a deeper relaxation, or a bit of both. You may also notice your kidneys showing up as these build a triangle together with the Heart, burning off any remaining karmic density from your field as part of the Heart Healing and Twinning Activations continue to unfold.

We're going back to the inception point of how we got here. We are re-membering again who we truly are and what really happened. This may also be assisted by you connecting with Soul family or your divine Counterpart or Twinflame at this time, we always help activate One another, especially when we are part of the same Monad or broader Avatar Self/ Identity layer. Also see the latest video I posted on my page which also talks about the special role Twinflames play when it comes to DNA Activations and running Frequency in the Grids together.

We are re-membering again how the Artificial Matrix simulation and overlays were implemented and why the invasion/s took place, which are connected to all the different versions of Earth: Earth (3D), Tara (5D), Gaia (7D) and Aramatena/ Lyra (12D). We are getting to correct what went wrong, as part of our redemption and journey back home, as we return to our Original Innocence. As I'm being shown it's all merging into ONE Organic Creatrix field now, which could be most likely be compared to a 7th Dimensional Earth experience, how it was during Lemuria, but that has different zones where Dimensional levels would differ and to access them

One needs to hold the required Dimensional Frequency bandwidth to visit and access those. So all will be part of the One Organic Creatrix field but divided into different areas. Like a new Lemuria and Atlantis and other types of realms and areas, and people live there, or on other planets across the Cosmos, depending on their Frequency resonance. EveryOne in alignment with The Law of One has the opportunity to evolve and rehabilitate their unique Blueprint to their minimum of 12-15D DNA potential. Indigo's and Starseeds have 24-72. EveryOne, every being and entity, who does not, along with all the artificial material's, return to Source for re-encryption aka Spacedust Return. This is already unfolding and completing now.

On Friday the 2nd, powerful Platinum and Diamond White Ray, as well as Three Fold Flame Activations, descended upon our and the Planetary field, and are fully clearing out any remaining reversals, gender reversals, gender splitting, wars and division, sexual misery and victim-victimizer/ narcissistic and codependent behaviours, patterns and programming, as well as lower and artificial Consciousness currents, Frequencies, beings and energies from our inner and outer Grid System and morphogenetic field. Most powerful Crystalline Network, Sun Disk Network and Stargate Activations, Emerald-, Diamond Rose and Cosmic Heart Activations continue to help clear and activate the new 13D Diamond Grid System, along with ongoing Mother Arc, Aqua and Blue Ray-, Holy Trinity and Holy Grail Activations that are overstepping any remaining lower Metatronic reversal grids and bi-wave currents of the old Artificial Matrix overlays. Also with the pink and blue ray combining to unify as the corrected Violet Ray current, assisting this powerful Purification.

Powerful new Divine Union and ONEness codes and Activations, along with the solar flare bonanza, brought up any core childhood wounds and relationship patterns, templates and Blueprints that no longer serve, to be cleared, released and upgraded. We received new Relationship Templates and Blueprints which are now coming online along with crystal clarity and much remembering returning, as the old gets fully deleted along with any remaining false memories, projections and perceptions, beliefs and thought forms. The whole old AI Net with its negative alien technology and machinery, such as mind control programs, is fully dissolving and no longer operational hence, along with the Collective DNA, Crystalline Upgrades and full Artificial Matrix collapse, is allowing the MASS AWAKENING NOW, which we are facilitating as we do our own inner work.

The DIVINE FEMININE and MASCULINES are meeting within the Zero Point Field of Divine Love and Neutrality, IN DIVINE UNION, in NO-TIME, which COLLAPSES ALL REMAINING FALLEN Timelines and REALITIES!!
This is happening and in full swing since the 29/30th of August, as well as the highest Quantum Reality probabilities and trajectories having been fully anchored and activated and are already unfolding.

We are deepening into the Collective Zero Point Field where ALL Timelines collapse into ONE SINGLE POINT - THE SINGULARITY! This is the Organic Creatrix field. Like going back in time but back to the future, as if reversing 'time' to before the Fall in Consciousness and the negative alien invasions happened. Back to the start, as if it never happened but with the lessons learned. We will remember what happened but with the memories having been processed and cleared, which is what we have been busy doing, so that they no longer run on automatic pilot on our subconscious, continuously recreating the same scenarios over and over again. Until we've healed the trauma, wounds and patterns, which is what is happening and completing now Collectively at cellular level. As we have become ONE! Since the 31st I no longer feel I need to connect to the field but am constantly fully atONE with it.

Diamond White Elohei pillars of light have descended and anchored on the 2nd Sept' upon Earth, UNIFYing the 12+1, bridging and UNIFYing ALL 12 Dimensional Reality fields and Earth/ Tara/ Gaia/ Aramatena as One! They help anchor and activate the 13D Diamond Grid System, like the grand opening to something big that's to follow, anchoring the highest, purest Diamond White light straight from the God World's and Godhead.

This is also assisting the 144 plus three as ONE to anchor their higher Rishi/ Ascended Master/ Guardian Identity and atONEment with Source and all of life everywhere, and enabling the Collective Ascension process.
The Core Monad reunited as ONE!
First this happens energetically, then we will be brought together shortly with our Oversoul family in the physical, some of them not from this planet or time vector.
Powerful Divine Union and Solar and Plasma waves and Activations have been anchored and completing these past few days. Especially since the 31st I feel rather tired and needing to integrate much of what has been received and unfolding these past two weeks, with extra need for self care and mindfully relaxing my body, mind and soul as deeply as possible, to allow for the healing to fully integrate. I felt very weak physically over the past two days, also down to the exhaustion of all we've just been through. Relaxation is so important for the body to allow for this deep and full healing to unfold now.
As part of our Heart healing and Divine Union Activations we may have had our core childhood wounds of separation, abandonment and rejection having been likely triggered one more time for their full and final resolution and alchemisation. This is helping us heal our Sacred Crystal Hearts that are the Key to our Ascension, and unify them together with our Minds in full coherence, balance, in agreement and harmony, together as One Heart-Mind.
We have been powerfully merging our higher and lower Self, masculine and feminine energies and principles. All very much happening internally, which then projects out into our Reality, as this is an inside-out creational experience. Our Realities are Holographic projections of what our mind beliefs to be real and true. Obviously we are part of a larger organic neural network and Super Consciousness field, an agreed upon Reality, of which we are the stewards so to say, as we hold the required DNA keys and codes, a higher level of Consciousness, we are more aware and with this knowing also comes a great responsibility for our and the Collective Realities. What we do, say, think, feel or act upon, and how, has a much bigger weight overall on the Collective trajectories and Realities, than that of a person not knowing what the hell is going on down here and just running along with the old programs. This makes us, along with the Edenic/ Paradisian and Ascension keys and codes we hold, the Blueprint holders of the New Earth.
All IGNITEd from deep within us NOW!
We are the One's writing the new scripts and programming of the new Organic Creatrix field super consciously now. Which is what we have been doing all along. Re-encrypting our and the Collective Consciousness and therefore Realities, as all is based upon the beliefs and Consciousness we hold and then project them out into our Realities as holograms. That's why when we have the old scripts still running on auto pilot, we keep getting the same movie, over and over again.
That's why we came to re-write the script.
That time has come.
Happy writing and living the life of your wildest dreams!
Anything is possible now!
The question is; how far will you jump?
Knowing non of this is real anyway, or rather just a projection of y/our Consciousness, but the old rules no longer apply as all has already changed!
Your belief system is your only limit!
Believe y/our Miracles are here now, because they are!
The hard work is done and now we get to have fun!
From surviving to thriving! TRUST this. TRUST YOU!
Trust the Divine and SURRENDER to Divine Will all you don't know how to make happen. Knowing it is already so.
Now dreams become reality and Reality becomes a dream. As we walk upon the New Heaven on Earth now... a place projected out from within our sacred Crystal Heart space, that radiates out all it holds within.
Eternal Love & Blessings,
Ramona 💙
Also see comments below for more supportive material on your Ascension journey.