vrijdag 2 september 2022

WAYSHOWERS: ~ Amanda Lorence

The ‘human’ entrance point to remembering you are ENERGY (ie. Consciousness), is initially vía ‘human’ FEELING. Feeling, is like the initial gateway you can access to feel ENERGY…Become ENERGY again. Energy of the Unified Field.

Beyond ‘feeling’…and also gradually as a process… ENERGY becomes the dominant STATE of your…BEING. Where infinite data transfer occurs outside of time and space. Energy to energy (no language required). Data transfer simply occurs.

The human experience and dominance of the Mental body, and the Emotional body fades away. Or shall fade away for many. It becomes the LESS dominant. The less fascinating. The less stimulating. It WAS your experience, until it isn’t. Until energy becomes YOU. Becomes your world, the point you exist from, the point you return to…THE continuous expanding LIGHT and VIBRATIONAL PULSATIONS of YOUR own unique Consciousness that you always have been, and consciously return to. Embodied: to become again, WITH the body.

Now is the time…to see and hear differently. With the kingdoms as a whole. With the elements. Now is the time to lay more and more AND MORE foundations of ENERGY…by being it, immersing in it, connecting as it, to it. It is ‘time’ to go at your innate speed. Expand at your own speed. To NOT hold back any longer. It is time.

Have faith. Go FORTH. As all will arrive also, in their PERFECT and DIVINE timing. So be where you ARE. And keep expanding from your own point. Going backwards, or immersing in previous Energetics you lived from, will feel (ENERGETICALLY) like swimming AGAINST the tide. Being where YOU are, and expanding from that point, will feel as THE FLOW. It’s ease. It’s grace. It’s exciting. It’s fun. It FEELS expansive. And ALWAYS it will feel filled with the LOVE of God, within you.

The quieter you are, the more you can HEAR of Higher Vibration. The quieter you are, the more you can SEE of Higher Vibration. It truly is the timeline we actively bring this in. As the new World, all will eventually live in and understand from.

Let go of what you have been and have experienced. It is done. And as the Love, hold your KNOWING…and Birth it. One moment at a time.

One Love
2 September 2022