zaterdag 3 september 2022

Such an exquisite white-golden Light is pouring in ~ Judith Kusel

Such an exquisite white-golden Light is pouring in, the living waters of life, bringing beautiful balance at all levels.

This is like the pause between breaths. The breath between breaths.
It anchors in stillness.


The state of transition, where there is no in-breath, nor out-breath, there is just transformative power.

Rest in this.

Allow this beautiful energy to light you up, from within and without.

Become it.
One with the Living Waters of Life.
New Life.
New beginnings.
You are loved.
You are held and sheltered in Eternal White-Golden wings, and loved into balance and harmony. Rest in those wings.

All is One.
All is One.
All is One.

Photo: Angelic Stock Photos