vrijdag 23 september 2022

Happy Equinox ~ Jennifer Hoffman

Happy Equinox. We are finally here. This has to be the slowest lead-up to the equinox that I can remember. The days seemed so long this week but here we are.

Themes for the September Equinox (autumn/spring depending on your hemisphere) are justice, balance, and congruence.

With 7 retro planets, including Mercury and Mars, it's marked by a rare lack of forward momentum that is appropriate, autumn is when we gather the harvest, not plant the fields.
What are you harvesting now? Is it time to separate 'the wheat from the chaff'?

Don't be surprised if there are separations and endings that occur without your input. The people who want to separate from you because there is no energetic alignment are just as uncomfortable with the situation as you are.

And then in 2 days we have the New Moon, right after the Equinox, a double fresh start.

It's high octane time, pedal to the metal and shine on.