zondag 25 september 2022

BEing THE ONE ~ Ramona Lappin


What if our whole reality was the fiction of our imagination? What if none of it was really REAL? All made up by the mind, THE ONE Consciousness dreaming it all into being. What if we were living in a type of simulation, like a video game with different levels/ dimensions to it, and all was like a dream just with different layers of densities. That the only thing that was truly real was Source where all is One and all originates from and returns to, and One is always atONE with. All other layers of this game are but part of that, the dream, the simulation that we always have the power to change, with the different layers to the game being the different dimensions, timelines and realms.

God Source being the only true reality and all else a projection, a simulation, a holographic representation of different forms of Consciousness bodies, of different dreams. A dream where we get to imagine all the ways Consciousness could experience itself as. From the highest most delightful and joyful expressions, to the deepest, darkest and most painful ones, One could ever imagine and create. When Neo gets shot by the agent in The Matrix he survives, why is that? Because he has transcended it, the Maya of the mind, the illusion. He knows, he re-members, that he is dreaming and none of it truly exists. IT'S NOT REAL. IT'S A SIMULATION. That there is no spoon because it doesn't exist, it's a 'hallucination', a PROJECTION of the mind, all part of the dream. That's why later on no bullets can hit him. He knows they're not real, that all is energy which he learned/ re-membered fully how to manipulate. It is one thing to understand the concept of ONEness and another to actually feel it, BE IT, and knowing that we are all part The One. A fractal of God Source but also all of it. The ocean, the wave and the drop. That all we can possibly imagine does exist, and it is for us to follow down the rabbit hole and see where it leads us. For us to re-member the REAL TRUTH. The reassurance is that all paths taken, will always lead us back HOME, to our True Self as part of Source. Back to the Heart. Back to LOVE. Time is parallel, all exists simultaneously, in truth there is no past nor future. We exist in all moments of time at once, the time we were born, the time it was our 7th birthday, the time we had our first kiss, the first time our heart felt broken, and the time we die in this physical body and all those other life's we're living. All is happening simultaneously. All is interconnected, and we are always atONE with God Source. There is truly nothing to be afraid of or we could miss out on, as WE ARE it, ALL OF IT, all of the time. The rest is part of the illusion and forgetfulness. In this way we then understand that truly all is always conspiring for us, nothing and no one is against us, even though from a 'lower' dimensional perspective this may seem so. Even when for the majority of the time in our human life's we have learned through pain and trauma, instead of play and joy. That still is all part of the dream, how could it not. This is of course as simple and as complex as One makes it, infinite layers to that we call Consciousness, and all is that. So there really is just One of us here, there are no others, although that plays out too. Yet when we go beyond the illusions of separation playing out, we see that our realities act as a movie set, and we truly are all mere actors here, played by Source. No-thing lies outside of this, even if it sometimes seems like it. Who is THE ONE DREAMing anyway? That's when we trance-end the illusions of the holographic nature of our realities, of them versus us, and become the masters of the dream. When we realise all is but a projection of that which we carry inside of our Hearts and Minds. All a projection of our deepest held beliefs, fears, wishes and dreams. It's our Consciousness projected out onto a holographic screen. As our own lense of awareness becomes clearer and clearer, and we shift the way we perceive how all of this really works, we re-member fully again that all is but a projection that we can change as we shift from deep within. From fear based to Love based thinking. From thinking the Universe is separate from us, people and experiences working against us, to One where all conspires for us now and all-ways has, as we fully re-member again that we are atONE with it ALL! That's when we stop projecting villain's onto the screen, all but a projection and part of the dream and unresolved Collective shadow aspects of The One Consciousness, now fully resolved, integrated and healing, as The One re-members the Real Truth and it's One True Self again. THE GREAT RE-MEMBERING! From paranoia to PRO-NOIA! That's when everything shifts! All aligns and conspires in our favour because we fully re-member again that we are constantly co-creating ALL OF THIS as The One!! No-thing lies outside of this! That's when all remaining spells fully break and dissolve now, all born from fear. You can't solve a problem from the level it exists, you have to rise above it. From there all can be seen simultaneously for what it really is, when we go beyond duality and all sense of separation, it allows us to view each level from a different perception, in Divine Neutrality. Here there is no good versus evil, there is no war besides the inner, the imagined. The last war is being won within the minds of men and women, as this is how it all started. As we started to project out our own unacknowledged shadows onto One another and allowing this. Our Minds separated from the Heart, no longer listening to its eternal Wisdom we started to become disconnected from our own Soul and Source. All spiralled from here. So as we resolve and integrate all these pieces again, we go back to the start, back to the beginning. To correct what went wrong, all part of the Full Reset of The One Consciousness back to it's Original Innocence and nature, but with the lessons learned. As if non of it ever happened. Back to the future where we belong. Where we no longer feel separate from ONE another and Source. Where we re-member who we truly are, our true Essence, at ONE with ALL, everyOne and everything. As we re-member we have dreamt this all into being as The One, then we also have the power to dream another dream into being. After all, we are constantly co-creating all of this with the thoughts, words, actions we take, and the beliefs we hold and project. The dreamer has to realise and never forget again, that he is dreaming all of this, in order to ALLOW FOR ALL artificial Matrix overlays and illusions NOW TO FULLY COLLAPSE within the Zero Point Field of Pure True DIVINE LOVE, that HEALS ALL NOW. Timelessly. Collapsing the quantum standing wave function, in no-time at all, for ALL NEW ORGANIC ASCENSION EARTH REALITIES to be born from within the Cosmic Mother's Womb, by The One and ALL. Eternal Love, all-ways, Ramona