maandag 13 juni 2022

The Shifting is quickening, this body is like what in the World is going on, lol ~ Mary Long

The Shifting is quickening, this body is like what in the World is going on, lol.

Didn't stop me from getting a lot done in the Heat this Weekend, all the scrap is gone.
I gave most of the money to the man that helped me, told him he did the most of it he deserved it, I only took $150 of it and he has made about $450 and I am thankful it is gone. Now more energy work begins in that area of the yard.

The junk was not by my doing, it was by the doing of someone I allowed to live here that just kept bringing more and more until I finally told him you got to go, you are distorting the energy fields on my lands that I have worked so hard to balance.

Feels so good to see it all gone, still a bit of things to do over there but all is well now. So grateful for the help, didn't want any money but the friend that helped me insisted I take something.
These energies are wild Loves, I see so much at night when I sit outside, things I haven't seen before just fly right on by. I use to see lots of white rods, I have a photo of it in my orbs and energy album but this weekend I saw black ones and they were flying horizontally and the white ones always come down from the sky.

Going to sit out by my little pond when it cools off this evening and see if I see more of them and the lightening bugs have been putting on a spectacular show for me.

No matter what happens around me I am always in a space of Peace, and I am just being.
It is like the mind is on pause and my spirit is fully open to receive whatever comes, even if this body doesn't like it sometimes.

Hope you all had a Magical Weekend, these are such exciting moments we are living, so much coming to us so quickly and many are beginning to see beyond the veils now. The work we have been doing for years is coming into fruition.

Thank you Universe Mother Father God of all Creation, I solute you in helping humanity awaken to their truest roots again.

Love to all you beautiful Souls out there, we are ever closer to bringing it all home.