woensdag 29 juni 2022

Deep Impact ~ Rebecca Petty

Deep Impact
Today, around about 3pm, I was sitting on the furniture and all the sudden it was like I was impacted with a blast of intense energy and my head felt funny, my body went light and I felt like my body was going to fall.

I've never passed out before, I've been close, but it felt like my body was blacking out!
Some BIG energies are hitting Earth right now, like they have never before, creating all sorts within the physical body!

Extreme Tiredness, Soreness with skin, itchy skin and eyes, bloated tummy, ovary, bladder and bowel pain. There's a lot of activity in so many areas - healing happening in the Lower Chakras - Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Upgrades and transformations are most certainly taking place. Trust this process!
Tips and advice;
Rest, rest rest! Try not to fight with this energy.
Eat clean and light!
Keep really hydrated
Avoid Drama and conflict
Be with nature in stillness
Ground your energy and meditate and keep on letting go!

Ride these waves everyone and know, we are in this together.
These shifts are BIG.
I love you