woensdag 15 januari 2020

The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine Would like to take a minute and discuss the New Earth Aspect Through our Conduit, our "Kid" Benjamin and Kru.

The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine Would like to take a minute and discuss the New Earth Aspect Through our Conduit, our "Kid" Benjamin and Kru.

Now there are many things and facts within the Star Seed movement that needs to be cleared up. Lies and untruths spread like an infection. People are passed Ideas by others claiming to know truths and these false truths than act as energy stealing implants to distract you from you ultimate goal of self healing and self discovery. 

The New Earth concept is ment for each individual differently. This is the building of your new earth within, to reflect outwards what you really are. You Reflect like a diamond your love and you light outwards in to the world. Therefor influencing those around you with your newly found positive energy and relationship to the true twin flame aspect of integration of higher self Consciousness into the Collective around you.

As much as we would like to see the Earth Governments fall, this we do not control. The "Fall" is ment so, you let the falsehoods of reality and society fall down around you. As you start your relationship with higher self God Consciousness you start to see things that just dont fit to you. People, places, things and old behaviors "FALL" down around you.

Your eyes have been opened to a new way and a new day. The way of self love and Services to others to heal thy self and those around you as we go, becomes priority. Your New Earth than starts to take center stage before you. You start to manifest new things and positive people into your life. You let old behaviors and patterens FALL there for triggering new positives reactions and events to start to take place in your very own "New Earth" 

No space ship is going to drop out of the sky, there is going to be no mass revolution of violence that brings said governing elites to their knees. These men are going to continue as well as those around you to go forward with " Old Earth" behaviors, patterns and control methods.

The Only way we can truly change Earth is by bring self off the balance of the X, Y axis of self, to find the Balance within the Choas around you. By doing so we reflect the beauty of the Earth Diamond Planet into the world around us. Only by being an example of of love and and happiness can we spread this to others in the idea of building a New Earth Around us.

There is naturally Star Seeds born and working within the Governments around the World doing their part to open the eyes of others around them. These Men and Women work hard in their jobs and should also be given the respect they deserve for none of us would want to do their Jobs.

By triggering our personal Ascension process we help brings others "Down to Earth" by triggering them into Ascension as well. Ascension is in Fact Divine Hierarchy amoung the Star Seed Templet. Its all built on Divine Architecture. Do not put pressure on your selfs as you begin to build your "New Earth" up around you this will take time and dedication to self and others.

For we trigger aspects of knowledge within our selfs as we help others discover their way into the New Earth Concept and or Aspect of bringing heaven to earth. It starts within and spreads out ward.
What we experience and do while traveling through the other dimensions of Time, Space within is a reminder and reflection of what we are trying to build within the outside world and many of us have different Jobs within the Densities or as many refer to them now, Destinys. But this is For Another Post.

We The Family of The Arcturian White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine wish you all much luck and clarity along the way and ask you all not to get side tracked by the implanted loops of lies within the Star Seed movement. To Glorify what is really actually happening within us and around us creates self lies and illusions within and can ultimately block out the third eye and end up in a very confusing battle of self. Please use caution when spreading information.

Please remember the Only way we Connect to Gaia is by Grounding out through the 1st and or Root Chakra. This is our Star Earth charka and helps stabilize the connection of light line and body to Mother Earth to help us in return stabilize her.
With much luck, love and light to you All, we wish and prayer that you all find your way to New Earth within yourselfs to help start build the New Earth Up around us.

Love and Light,
The Arcturian White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine,
Through our "Kid",

Benjamin Ian Lamb