The Arcturian White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine speaks about the paradox of Free will programming and concept.
What is Free Will? Its, want, lust, doing something. Sometimes doing something that is completely out of character for our selfs. Letting our self know we are a Spritual being having a human experience. But lets look at this a bit closer.
Now when we know Divine plan is all knowing and seeing, how do we than exercise our "free will" ? With this comes the heaven and hell ascpect for many of us. First we must understand that heaven and hell actually in form sense do not exist. Its a way of living. You live true to your spiritual path, giving up control of your life to the greater Divine and there fore Becoming the gifts of knowledge and knowing.
Many of you may even become rich and known on your Spritual path. Thus creating a heaven aspect within your Earthly experience. There for finding the balance within the x, y aspect of your own personal matrix. Now to stay on ones Spritual path we give up all free will back over to the Co Creator Source and follow the signs and voices of our inner knowing to our true higher selfs and or relationship with the God aspect.
Now hell, or choice of exercising our free will, we fight our Spritual path and or calling and try to live life how we see fit. We try to control the flow. We try to mold others and realities around us trying to force everything to fit in to our lifes that We Want. By doing so we watch the out comes. We see that after a long period of time of doing so, that nothing works or really fits, to who we truly are.
Therefore we move further and further away from the balance point of the X, Y axis becoming instable. Fed full of negitive emotions from all around us who out of our lust for control seek to control us in return. We get, what we give out. By doing this we come to the point where we see we are living through our own personal hell.
Here we see we are controlled by society and its status quo of trying to " keep up with the Jones". Here as we make the realization that our "free will" has gotten us this far, we have but two choices. One, we keep going along our way of lust and trying to man.ip.U.late everything and everyone around us, resulting in more pain or suffering. Or Two, we stop, we give up our contol lust, personal wants, and let the ego fall and start to listen to our higher self and or God Consciousness.
By doing so everything than becomes a bit different. Negitive aspects of the world fall away as we stay true to our hearts and not what others expect us to do. By doing so we statt to see the "light" and "love" within ourselfs and others there for fueling our way into Ascension of the divine self.
Here we must ask our selfs, now was this my choice to find my divine path or was it part of the Divine Plan? This is where the paradox sets in. If we believe in the divine path and way, we than accept that free will is an "end game" illusion if you will. An inverted Matrix program that keeps us as far away from our selfs and that actual free will, we than find at some point along the divine path.
As we see free will for the illusion that it is and or false programming conception of this, we than see that the Spiritual path is what really is ment to be free will, while by giving control up over our selfs to a higher power, we are than blessed with true knowledge of self and the cosmos.
There fore Stepping out of said inverted matrix programming simply by acceptance of the fact that everything around us is divine plan, for we all write our own programming before we come here. Free will is a concept we read about in the bible and other writings telling us the world belongs to us if we work for it, there fore setting us directly in a loop program of service to self, trapping us within ego, until at some point, the free will we chose to believe in sends us spiraling out of control to a break down point where we are than forced to rebuild said personal matrix.
Most choices of free will end in defeat. We over load our selfs with free will to keep up to society sticking us and locking us further in the chains of debt and responsibility to others when in fact we are not happy with our selfs while the free will programming tells us to be egotistical and to "get what we want" out of life.
The further we go into this loop the more damge it does to the connection of higher self aspect and the further we are taken away from love light, light love relationships, due to the fact that we than work only out of ego for what we want. Trying to make everything we want fit in to our lifes, while never really getting the time or chance to meet our selfs fully before being stuck into the false aspect of the Inverted matrix Free Will programming.
More Memory Triggers and Writings to come.
With Love,
The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine,
Through our "Kid"
Benjamin Ian Lamb.
With Love,
The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine,
Through our "Kid"
Benjamin Ian Lamb.