dinsdag 19 juli 2022

Energy Update ~ Grace Solaris

Just wrote a very long energetic Update... it said it posted it and woosh it seems gone.

So I keep it very short... massive high photonic light upgrades building up to a
huge cosmic flash... if energies are getting too intense, pause and breathe.

(I already received two cancellations for scheduled sessions this week clients asking to postpone due to feeling ill or overwhelmed. So I have a few slots available short notice btw). Consciously breathe from toe to crown, Ground into earth and center in your heart.

Hydrate hydrate hydrate... water is paramount to break up and cleanse out old structures .. all condensed, repressed emotions, toxins etc from your system. We are elapsing as timelines are collapsing. Many ascension symptoms such as brainfog, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, joint, muscle and skeleton pain or flu like symptoms, as well as emotional roller coaster depending where we are in the morphing process of the transmution of our physical dense bodies into turning crystaline.

Go out in nature... lay on the Ground, swim or be around water... connect with the elements and mother earth and ask her to be reconfigurated to her new coordinates, this will rebalance you and stabilize you on cellular level as well as emotionally and also calm your central nervous system. Stay Present with what IS.

Until further notice celebrate and be grateful.

Today is a sunny day in heaven, you gotta wear a hat, it is hot as hell but truly it is heaven.
Nothing is as it seems.
Grace Solaris