dinsdag 19 juli 2022



After last week's rollercoaster ride and extreme intensity the energies have massively shifted and lifted overnight! It seems that many of us have burned off most of all that wasn't so magical, all that was false to begin with, not our True Self, along with all that is inorganic and artificial as part of this final Purification and Ascension process. Also, the temperatures rising everywhere, one can see how this is also serving as a massive Collective detox on many levels, all helping us prepare for the Final Ascension Event. We have slightly raised solar winds, the C-class Solar baseline continues but has calmed down a little for now, same as the Schumann Resonance levels after earlier spikes, but we're not being shown a lot by the usual sources. Ascension symptoms have calmed down a little also after a most intense week/end.

We can still sense a lot of pressure around our heads, Heart and Mind expansions continue, our lower chakras are clearing any remaining density still held from the old lower Realities and karmic cycles, as well as this Pure Source Light that is clearing out any remaining trauma and dense energies stuck in our bodiea. Many of us are starting to feel a deep peace that surpasses all understanding, no matter what goes on in our life's. And as we come to peace within we will find that the peace around us also expands. Life becomes art and a walking meditation in which we now take full responsibility and accountability for the lucid dream, all of our projections and co-creations. As more and more of us re-member again who we truly are.

That all of this isn't even real, it's a controlled simulation, a collective hallucination and mass psychosis that we are now fully awakening from and breaking out of. With some still deeply hypnotized by the hologram. What matters is that enough of us now keep remembering and never forget again, what's really REAL and what is not, and how Reality truly works. As we awaken our inner Dragon and Maji Grail Queen and King from deep within, who holds the sacred wisdom, power and codes that bring our True Kryst-All Diamond Avatar Self and Organic Ascension Realities online now! All through our own re-membering as it is written into our DNA and morphogenetic field and that of Earth's, that is now being freed from all the lower codings and reversals, trauma and pain, to reveal our true memories and history records all from within! All through the full Awakening and ignition of our and the Earth's Crystalline Core, her/ our Heart and Crystalline Network. Awakening our Multidimensional Diamond Avatar Self, atONE with Source and the Cosmic Super Consciousness field. THIS IS WHAT IGNITES OUR NEW MULTIDIMENSIONAL DIAMOND GRID & ASCENSION EARTH! It is us RE-MEMBERING, not being told! Any Timelines that are trying to be pushed around a split into different versions of Earth, with one of them being an AI Timeline run hologram, and the other interfered with by Artificial Intelligence and Cyborgs, is not going to be allowed or going to happen!! We are dissolving ALL AI and fallen Timelines, along with ALL Artificial materials, structures, entities and beings, all that is inorganic is being dissolved and alchemised in the womb of the Cosmic Mother, as all return to her, to the void of Creation, for their final death and re-birth and Starfire Return/ Full Blueprint Reset. This is part of the FULL COSMIC RESET OF THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS!! We can't still have some phantom type Matrix hologram running somewhere that we have to deal with and would still be part of us, as it's still ALL ONE CONSCIOUSNESS. It would still affect us. The Event is the end of everything artificial and inorganic, and ultimately this is about us RE-MEMBERING THE TRUTH, never mind waiting for any Event. Remembering and Awakening to who we truly are and our true nature is actually a total non Event. And again, we're not waiting for anything to happen either, or to be told what is going to happen and when, because this is very much about us making the shift and magic happen. It's about us re-membering our gifts, abilities, wisdom and power again! That's us fully re-claiming our own Guardian/ Ascended Master Self, our inner Maji Grail Queen and King, who can create world's and Universes and remembers how to do that. All build into our DNA, the instruction sets and Coordinates held right there inside of us, along with our next mission and steps. All coming online now along with the Paradigm Shift of the Collective Consciousness which is what flips and shifts world's and Realities, all from the inside out as we embody that which we wish to see. It's really as simple as that but not as easy, as we know, having been tested plenty lately in our Mastery. All part of us, of The One, and the initiations we all have to pass if we wish to stand in full alignment and integrity with that which we seek! Knowing we are ALL ONE is one thing, just like so many other things that we believe in and talk or write about. It's something altogether different to actually embody that which we preach about. The world as we come to understand does indeed not change through our opinions but by our example, through our Embodiment. To BEcome THE Embodiment of that ONEness and The Law of One and what that actually means, which is what we're figuring out and now mastering. THAT'S what brings our ascended Master Guardian Self and Wisdom online, as we align with that version of us, with God Source Consciousness Embodiment. It's not us reading or talking about it but BEing THE CHANGE, we wish to see in the world. How to be a Divine HUman, God Source Consciousness embodied in a human vessel. And that doesn't look like many thought it would as we had to unravel ourselves from many layers of spiritual programming and conditioning that got inverted and didn't serve us well. The final and biggest part of our Ascension process is us dying upon our old, false Self, upon our artificial ego identity, that feels separate and isn't even a real thing, just like the Matrix. It's an artificial algorithm that is a set of programs/ belief systems that were given to us. It's not who we are, so remember this when you cling onto parts of your identity, material things, a job, even the people in your life, because a lot of that isn't real either. As we complete our karmic lessons and exit the game of victim versus victimizer we become to innerstand that ultimately IT'S ALL US. It's all imagination, all made up by The One. Which we are, so there's nothing that lies outside of that. That is the ONEness we've been speaking of and it is REAL, because there truly is only ONE of us here! Since last Wednesday, we are receiving Collectively the full Activation of our new improved DNA RNA 72 strand Triple Helix DNA Diamond Avatar Blueprint of the Divine Template of the 144 plus 3 as ONE. As well as us becoming more and more Crystalline as our atoms are changing composition to 13 protons, 12 electrons and 13 neutrons. Through our dedicated work we have been able to remove the veils, illusions, implants, inserts, seals, tags, negative alien technology and machinery, along with most of the negative aliens and entities, all that kept us bound and connected to, and that were part of the artificially manipulated Matrix hologram, which is about go fully offline any moment now, when ALL WILL CHANGE IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE When we will remember our True Self & History again, which is what brings our DIAMOND AVATAR, NEW ORGANIC ASCENSION EARTH & REALITIES FULLY ONLINE! All from the inside out! We will continue to help make this shift happen as THIS IS WHAT WE CAME FOR, and continue on from our success of the series of the last 666 Gatway, and Holy Trinity Activation on the 24th of June, where we helped to fully disconnect and clear the Stonehenge Stargate site in the UK, with link in from Kauai Hawaii, along with the Checkerboard Mutation that was running the reversal currents in the Grids, as well as the Black Box, Phantom Matrix, Lunar/ Moon and Saturn Matrix connections! We helped anchor some amazing Pure Source, HOLY TRINITY and GRAIL Codes, along with many others, that was followed by a white-out on the Schuhmann Resonance in the field and subsequent 17hr blackout. That was a massive Quantum Timeline shift we helped make happen! Never ever underestimate what a small group of highly activated Avatar's can help make happen, with a lot of Cosmic support of course! ... See remaining post below


We fully helped return the TRI-WAVE & ETERNAL LIFE FLOWS currents and flow throughout our bodies and the Grids along with the re-clamation of our Full DNA 48 strand Blueprint (depending on each's Template), and Azurite Identities, plus so much more! I am now being guided to facilitate a special Quantum Remote Activation to follow this up with, for what many know as Magdalene's Feast Day, the 22nd of July at 10pk UK time. This Activation will primarily focus on igniting our own FULL RE-MEMBERING of our Cosmic Origins, History, One True Self and Diamond Grid System. This is us fully activating our Crystalline DNA and retrieving all of our Multidimensional Self, in full Divine Union with all of our-selfs, with Source and all of life everywhere. ALL AS ONE. This is also in special support of the Blue Ray and Maji Graillines, Magdalene's, Daughter's of Christ, Rose and Graillines, Eieyani-Essene Graillines, Melchizedek priesthood, the Diamond Sun Graillines, Elohei Mother lines, Andromenda Starseeds, Elohei-Elohim Lyrans, Lyran -Sirian Anuhazi, Siriun Azurites, Oraphim Original Tarans (5D), Melchizedek priesthood, Archangel Michael, Fallen Bilal Sun/ Ruby Sun Template, that is being rehabilitated through those carrying these codes within their DNA. We are facilitating bio-spiritual rehabilitation and evolution for many different Cosmic races, especially those that we are connected to through family/ race lines and soul groups we belong to, right through and inside of our own morphogenetic field and DNA, as we heal our own imbalances, miasma, interference patterns and lower codings. This also happens at planetary level as Earth holds the Morphogenetic field for the rehabilitation of ALL other Cosmic Races as we hold Cosmic Ascension Blueprints, Templates, keys and codes. 'The first light manifestation of the Emerald Order are the Solar Rishi Blue Ray orders of Elohim and Oraphim that directly support the the Guardian Founder Races.' - Source Ascension Glossary And this is what we are now here to activate and embody as God Source Consciousness embodied. For us to fully re-member our Guardian Self and Cosmic heritage again, not for someone to tell us. It's about us having these ancient future memories arising again from within us, because this is what activates our Multidimensional DNA and vice versa, which is what then projects the new Organic Ascension Realities onto our organic, Holographic screen, with our DNA being the film strip to our Realities! All right here inside of us, EVERYTHING we could possibly need. Now we get to access all of our dormant abilities, gifts and power again as the wisdom returns and our sacred Crystal Hearts and Cosmic Seed Atom awakens our ancient future memories and self from deep within us and the Crystalline Caverns and Heart of Earth. Re-member Beloveds, RE-MEMBER the Power and ancient future Wisdom you hold deep inside. IT IS TIME!! Eternal Love & Blessings, Ramona πŸ’™ Please note that I currently don't have internet to connect to my laptop to at home for about a week now. I also haven't received the guidance to put together another video, but we shall see if that changes. A lot of silence has been required for many of us, to bring reconciliation to our and The One Consciousness. Much is taking place telepathically now as we strengthen this field as part of the Emerald Heart Grid and new Organic telepathic communication network. I'm also limiting my energy and time spent online and am unable to reply to many comments at this time. My energy and focus is required in the field to keep helping the magic happen, sharing as much as I can, and taking extra good care of myself to allow for this magic Transformation to happen through us, as well as just BEing lot more. Thank you for understanding. I trust we all get to meet at the official Re-Union party soon!