woensdag 15 juni 2022

STRIP IT ALL AWAY ~ Channeled by Rita Kempf


Dear children of light, we address you as such for that is how we see you; beautiful diaphanous shades of light, expanding, ever expanding. You are quite dazzling in our eyes and you are admired by all of the beings in this galaxy and beyond.
One of the peculiar things about human beings in this earth plane, however, is that the ego mind tends to play tricks on the human self. Instead of seeing yourself as we do, as incredibly powerful beings of universal light, you instead, fall under the spell of the earth illusion.
While in this sphere of illusion, a type of general amnesia prevails and you are prevented from the knowing of your true worth. In fact many of you spent your childhoods being taught that you were small, that you were defenseless and that you had to listen to others who were larger and wiser.

All of this training has done a disservice to you, for not only are you blind to your grandeur, but you have to work hard to begin to appreciate it.
We are here now to help you remove some veils from your oh, so human, mind. This earth space reality is a great distraction for you, and if you allow it to, it will envelope you completely. You will live your whole lives without getting a glimpse of your magnificence.
Walk through nature and see yourself as part of the universal plan. Walk with all of this tremendous beauty that fosters your state of gratitude, of joy and fulfillment.
Why would you sit inside on a beautiful day and watch your screens while the outside world is calling to you, and the animals are reminding you that you are one of them?
We have never known a bird who felt inferior to another. The animal kingdom is merely bounded by practicalities. If you are a sparrow, you live a different life than an eagle. But there has never been a sparrow who considered itself less than an eagle.
You would do well to emulate the natural world and see you yourself as a beautiful part of it, for you came here as spirit and took the very stuff of the earth to create your own body.
Your mother Gaia blesses you for coming here. She blesses you for being here and she invites you to walk with her and to see your perfection as you do so.
We are sending you a special gift right now. Unpack it when you are ready. We are sending you the gift of self-expression, self-revelation, self joy and self-love.
We hope by this gift of light to gently strip away those calcified layers from early childhood. As we chip away at them, you will hear less of, "not worthy" circulating in your mind. This modest refrain will disappear and you will start to hear a new litany, for it comes from the soul.
"I am here, I am all, I am part of the all. I am beautiful, as is everything around me."
We hope that you will take this gift and use it wisely to reveal more of the dazzling self that you truly are.
How we love you.
We are the Arcturians.

Channeled by Rita Kempf