woensdag 15 juni 2022

On Moon cycle energy clearing ~ Danielle Stotijn

On Moon cycle energy clearing
Second night lying awake…..
How,s with me?

Feeling the strong surging energies. These moon cycles are getting stronger and stronger since the beginning of this year.
There is no escaping….everyone is expanding and ascending.
We are switching from the carbon energy leyline structure, to the much less dense and higher vibing crystalline energie field. We are being pushed by the external universal energy field to align and rewire with higher resonance.
This is evolution.

As we clear out the density that our sub conciousness has denied surpressed and abandoned in the non physical containers of non processed experiences, emotions start to rise.
The process of transformation healing and alchemy is activated for all of humanity.
The question is: are you able to process? Is your human dynamic field open enough to process these large containers of anchestoral damage that we all carry with us. We are just not all aware of it.

You see the processing of the lower frequencies requires conciousness that is aware, willing and able to open up and create space for the energy to move through.
This awakening, willingness and abilities are all driven by the higher forces of Spirit. It only takes a connected soul to it,s source to ignite the opening up off conciousness.

The curiosity, the deep inner knowing and the dark pain of the path of the old soul will take care of the rest. Old souls crave for the exit out of the density. You and I know and always have know that there is more Light and more Love available.
That the debts and the highs of Spirit offer so much more magic to what life really is then what we have seen play out all of our lives.

These moon cycle energies come to clear our pipelines. Our leylines need purifying of the trauma of religion, war and all other black magic suppression that has been layers upon humanity.
Our human conciousness and our bodies need purifying of all the containers of the low frequencies of emotions that are stored in our systems.
It is these frequencies that keep us stuck in the matrix of the evolution on pause. That stop is from being the higher spiritual divine creatures that we are, here to assist creation of heaven on earth.

Those who are connected to Spirit came to clear the way.
Those who are a sleep are as spiritual as we are but unable to upgrade their system from carbon to crystaline energy. Unable to connect to the higher field of energy that will enable and activate our DNA to receive higher conciousness information to heal our selves and our planet. The seperation in multiple simultaneous dimensions will carry on to play out.
As the pineal gland of many is so closed of and calcified that no ignation of light, intution or soul purpose drive can move the density through the unawakened field. This will cause more and more stress on the Mind Body vehicle of many people.

Connected or disconnected that is the question.

So if you ly awake just like me with these pre-full moon,s, remember you are upgrading. Not only your own field but we are creating a whole new grid of consciousness through our connection.
Keep connecting
Keep ascending

Do your proces work; purdge, release, reset your intentions from the heart.
Meditate and connect to Spirit, your team on the other side.
Connect your energy in to the higher field and back to the earth.
Walk barefoot in nature.
Connect with people on heart, soul and Spirit level.
Find the others online and off line.
Drink plenty
Eat high vibe
Stay hydrated
Take salt baths
Excercise to move the energy

We are moving to Solistice now on the 21st of June. Going up…..

Sending Love