zaterdag 18 juni 2022



HAPPY 666 HOLY TRINITY GATEWAY OF COSMIC DIVINE ONENESS, LOVE & RE-UNION! THE GATES TO THE 7 HIGHER HEAVENS ARE WIDE OPEN, flooding us with Pure Source Light! The message is that SOMETHING BIG IS UNFOLDING & ABOUT TO CHANGE EVERYTHING FOREVER! TRULY ALL-READY HAPPENING NOW, as many can feel, as the old truly is no more & ITS ALL NEW NOW!! Also Facebook keeps crashing! Can only be a very good sign for a very good day as the artificial AI Grids, Networks, materials like black goo, along with the artificial Holographic inserts and overlays are fully dissolved, neutralised and re-encrypted within our, the Planetary and Cosmic levels, READY TO REVEAL ALL WE COULDN'T SEE BEFORE as we readjust to 360 degree vision and the invisible becomes visible!!

The clearing of the Black Magic Grids and black magic spells, sorcery, curses and hexes is having a huge effect on Lightworkers! As the CURSES ARE FULLY CLEARING, they are lifting a heavy load from our shoulders. We really had no idea how deep this all went and how much they were affecting us along with all the psychic attacks. This is all being fully cleared now along with the astral, and ALL Dimensional realms and planes throughout time and space! THE seemingly I'M-POSSIBLE BECOMES POSSIBLE & ACCESSIBLE NOW! This powerful last veil removal may cause some migraines as well as other Purification symptoms. I've been up with one for most of the night also causing nausea and vomiting. Feelings of we're 'burning up' continue as the Fires of Purification are burning off all remaining density from our, the Planetary and Cosmic field, that has to go! Oh the fun we get to have! I have to say I am looking forward to feeling good and not shit all the time lol, I think we've all experienced enough pain now. The frequencies, clearings, upgrades Activations coming in through our crown and down our neck and Heart, opening up our Pineal and Pituitary Glands for all to be revealed in its true glory and beauty! Make sure you maintain a clear and invincible energy field as the last rubble is being removed from the battlefield and all interference patterns and reversals dissolve and heal now. Self care remains a top priority especially with Ascension symptoms so intense and no-thing to hold onto or worry about, as the old Realities crumble and all new comes online with ease and grace now. We currently have KP4 geomagnetic storms, ongoing C-class Solar Flares, solar storms and some raised Schuhmann Resonance levels. We can expect these energies to keep building until all that is false and artificial has been fully dissolved, which continues to accelerate, and is happening, at super extra fast quantum God Source speed! I call this period 'PURGE & MERGE'. Just keep purging your old false Self and all that you are not, to keep merging with your One True, Diamond Avatar Self, already ascended and living in ALL NEW ORGANIC ASCENSION REALITIES - NOW! RE-MEMBER, ALL YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE, ALL-READY EXISTS IN THE QUANTUM - IN NO-TIME. There is no time, space or gravity here on Nova Gaja. And how do you think the pyramids were build? So, let's us continue to merge in quantum NO-TIME with our Multidimensional, Diamond Avatar Self, and Organic Ascension Realities NOW, BECAUSE WHO IS THE ONE DREAMING ANYWAY?! The New Diamond Grid and Organic Realities are igniting from deep within us now, along with our Multidimensional DNA and quarantine fully lifting. It is simply a RE-MEMBERING OF WHAT IS REALLY REAL & TRUE, as we remember our One True Self again, history, gifts, abilities and power again, in the timeless now. MANY MIRACLES ARE UNFOLDING! Feel into this new found Freedom, the infinite Possibilities that are coming online now along with all the magic that we came to make happen! Simply by re-membering again. All we need to do is BEcome SILENT, LISTEN deep within, through your Heart, atONE with Source and ALL! ALL right there inside of us and then projected out into our Realities, all from within the film strip of our Multidimensional DNA now fully igniting! No-thing is missing here, all of Creation, accessed and ignited from deep within our Sacred Krystal Hearts HAPPY RE-MEMBERANCE TO ALL!! THIS IS FULL DISCLOSURE! THIS IS THE AWAKENING! THIS IS DIVINE UNION & ASCENSION HAPPENING NOW!! ALL accessible & ignited from deep within each as ONE, as our unique instruction sets and Coordinates come fully online. Nothing to push, control, make happen, no-thing to wait for. ALL ALL-READY HAPPENING & CO-CREATED IN THE TIMELESS NOW! All we need to BE NOW is fully aligned with the Frequency of that which you already are and carry within. Just let go of all remaining doubt, insecurities and fear, any sense of separation, and KNOW THAT OUR TIME OUT OF TIME IS TRULY HERE NOW!! Breaking through the last remaining illusions of the old artificial Matrix and all of it's limiting, inverted and false beliefs and programs. Dissolving any remaining remnants of separation held within so we can fully dissolve INTO ALL OF CREATION! THE FINAL DISSOLUTION BEFORE THE RAPTURE! Dissolving into the ONEness & No-thingness that ALL IS! That's how we BEcome ETERNAL, INVINCIBLE, LIMITLESS, FEARLESS, FORMLESS, TIMELESS BOUNDLESS, BY BECOMING ONE WITH IT ALL! ALL THROUGH OUR OWN RE-MEMBERING.. THE ONE, that has never been born and never dies. That there's ultimately no-thing to fear here from this place of knowing, no-thing to hold onto, no-thing to defend, resist, fight, be for or against as such, ALL JUST IS, and can be dissolved and created from this state of Cosmic Consciousness that is atONE WITH ALL, in Divine Neutrality. We can't do this when we are still fighting parts of our-selfs. All truly about us fully re-membering our true power and mastering and standing tall in our own Embodiment, fully accountable and responsible for our imaginations, co-creations, beliefs, thoughts, actions and words. As we keep co-creating the future in every now moment together as ONE. Just keep aligning and keep SHINING BRIGHT as the unique Diamond that you are, KEEP LIGHTing IT UP & keep DREAMing REAL BIG, because everything is possible NOW! Eternal Love & Blessings, Ramona