zaterdag 18 juni 2022

Just for today ~ Nicky Hamid

Just for today.

Every time you think of it. Stop. Put your hand on your Heart. Take three gentle deep breaths into that centre. Say "I am Home, I am Love incarnate, I am peace". Be there for a moment (5 minutes if time and situation allow, longer if you desire it).

Yes, yes, I know I said this yesterday but it is so, so powerful, so so transformative. So imperative that YOU can CHOOSE YOU FIRST in any given moment.
Make any other thought or reaction you are having come second rather than first. You FIRST, what you are FIRST.

And everything else follows, Beloved Friends, Everything.
Watch how you transform what is in front of you. You are that powerful.

I So Love You

PS: And if you are feeling, alone adrift, or in self doubt, or confusion. Feel me, standing beside you, or anyone else who can make you Smile, feel the Presence. Feel us all here gathered around you in a great circle of golden Light holding the space, the ground for you to be in your own place, your own space and take your next step. We are One, Beloved Friends, WE ARE ONE in our Loving Beingness