woensdag 22 juni 2022

It is impossible for you to be NOT OK ~ Nicky Hamid

It is impossible for you to be NOT OK.
It is impossible for you not to be on track and unfolding perfectly just as you ARE.

You are Love Incarnate, a magnificent Soul Being, and you are Forever.
One in and One with the Source of All That Is.
And this Universe is and Totally Benevolent.

A Brilliant array of Golden Beings of Light and Love.

It is plotting, contriving, and conspiring for you to be All You Can Be and MORE.
The Universe, Your Being will push you as far as it takes for you to Wake up and realise that it is You and Your thoughts that create everything you experience.

You first LOVE the HUman being you are then everything follows.
You are a magnificent Creator and if you do not like what you have created then choose to Shift ( move to Heart) into “feel better, more aligned and then think and differently, clearly and oh so focussed.

So for "heaven sake" stop worrying (past), trying (future), and just breathe, relax, hand on heart, and LIVE.

Your next move is your next thought. What will it be, you have Infinite Possibility.

I So Love You