I think it is important to remember to not take anything personal at this time. People are purging, integrating their shadow, having horrible asension symptoms (even people that don't know what is going on) the ego is being faced which means people are fighting for control and the need to be right when this process is unfolding.
Also a lot of our dormant gifts are coming online strong so what we kind of felt before we're feeling full force. If someone is totally off balance, we know it and our throat chakras are overactive because they have been closed off for so long. When we express it, it could be hard on other people that don't see it yet. We always want to help others and not let them suffer but the truth is any type of control at this time is just the ego that is dying. That means that people need to go through their own process and figure it out on their own. We are not here to save other people. We are here to be the embodiment of what we want to see in the world.
The truth is none of us know anything and if we think we do it is going to be a big struggle. We are truly going into the unknown. What we tend to do when we are unsure because humans want to know and have control over everything is we go back to old patterns and behaviors that are no longer productive. So people that used to not be into The old 3D structures or into other things in their lives that are from the past start grasping those things to stay in this reality rather than moving forward into the next level of awareness which nothing is for sure and nothing can be controlled.
But let's have honor and reverence for everyone's process. This is it! The time and moment we came to witness and observe. The rapid shifting consciousness! The next year is going to be interesting. Those that can just observe and witness and not get entangled into the old structures and not entangled with those still in those old structures are going to do very well. Those that are still holding on will still have things that come up to push them into the higher levels of awareness and consciousness that they're meant to be in.
Change is inevitable, suffering is optional.
As the old systems begin to collapse and people grasp for anything they can hold on to, We are the ones that came here to be the change and to not react to those outside illusions that are going to get chaotic. We are here to hold the zero point field and create the new within the chaos. The reality within the reality is the new Earth. If you're waiting for something to change outside of you that will be your struggle until you let it go and let everything be as it is while creating the new.