donderdag 2 juni 2022

Energy Update - “The Collective Fatigue” ~ EldoRa & Siman

Energy Update - “The Collective Fatigue”

Many Lightworkers are wondering why they’re experiencing a sense of fatigue from time to time; an unexplainable sense of exhaustion that leaves many feeling drained, foggy, and even depressed….

As the Ascension energies are being amplified at a steady pace, there are certain periods when we feel uplifted with a sense that everything is working out in our favor, while other times we feel as if our energies are crashing and it feels as if we are wading through dark and murky waters and life circumstances seem bleak and stacked with obstacles and challenges.

Many of us are left wondering why we’re constantly faced with challenges along this path even though we may be doing our best to stay positive and upbeat? Why do the energies sometimes get dark and murky even though we are doing everything “right”?

The Ascension energies are designed to keep our individual and collective paths to continually evolve and move forward at a steady pace. The Cosmic energies that are received into our Solar System from the Great Central Sun are not a random happenstance occurrence, rather, these waves of light are being guided by an organized and intelligent Cosmic Force (Spirit) that is ORCHESTRATING these energies to guide humanity out of the Dark Age (Also known as the Kali Yuga) into the next stage of our evolution

When these waves of light intersect with the magnetic field around our planet, the charged positive Ions from the Central Sun (Source of all creation) begin to accumulate in the atmosphere of our planet and then slowly filter down into our individual Auric fields to send us 'Downloads' and ‘Upgrades’.

Whether you are aware of this process or not, we are all receiving these cosmic upgrades in our LightBodies on a daily basis.

The Operating System of the entire human collective is being upgraded by this advanced mechanism of intelligent Light by bringing forth into our awareness what remains out of balance in our lives so we may heal any and all imbalances.

When the intensity of light amplifies, we begin to feel as if our life circumstances are also intensifying. It seems as if we are having to face lessons or challenges in our lives at an amplified rate.

As we navigate the spiritual path from the realm of duality (3D) towards the realm of Unity Consciousness (5D), it is most beneficial to understand that the intensity we feel due to the challenges in our lives ‘is the very curriculum’ we are here to master.

This intensity is here with a profound purpose and it is here to assist us in our evolutionary path.

This intensity is a honing beacon to show us which aspect of life needs to be balanced so that peace and wellbeing becomes our dominant reality.

This intensity is here to show us a clear contrast of just how much we are shifting and morphing into higher states of Consciousness, and how friendships or restaurants or conversations or even vacation spots you enjoyed just a year or two ago are perhaps no longer in vibrational resonance to your current reality.

Every cycle of Ascension is followed by a cycle of De-scension. Ascension is not a Linear graph moving upwards. Rather, the Ascension waves look more like a Sine Wave with oscillations going up, followed by an equal oscillation doing downwards.

The upward cycle of energy is when your upgrades come online (you feel uplifted, supported and jovial), and the downward spiral of energy represents the time when you need to INTEGRATE these upgrades in your physical reality (this feels intense and chaotic)

It is through this fluctuating pattern of Ascension and De-scension that allows us to constantly UP-Level and then come down and integrate these gifts and lessons in the plane of duality!

Do not resist the downward spirals where your lessons and darkness show up for that is the very path to our journey back home. You processing all this intensity is your service to humanity. By rising from the ashes, by walking amidst the chaos, by constantly evolving and integrating those new vibrations into 3D, you are serving as God’s sons and daughters on this Planet helping the human race, through your trials and tribulations, to journey home

Weaved with love,
EldoRa & Siman
1 June, 2022