Be aware, what you give your energy to; energy IS your own thoughts, IS your words shared and IS your reactive actions in this timeline of many days now and ahead.
Please take simply what resonates, and discard if it doesn’t. I am acutely aware of the heightened energies, and possible reactions. Where even the most loving or supporting of posts can trigger people in these times...if too long a read, simply don’t read.
It is no coincidence, that the STRENGTH (not frequency) of the incoming energies we received last night (still entering), are designed in alignment to humanities collective energy around what we call ‘Easter’. It is not about the religious teachings, BUT the ENERGETIC effect those biblical teachings have had on humanities COLLECTIVE ENERGY (the sum total of each’s energy added together = The Collective Consciousness of Humanity) at and around the Easter dates. The overall divine design takes full advantage of humanities ENERGY at Easter, and is bringing INCOMING ENERGY to create heightened intensity.
This intensity can be experienced as an intensified blessing, or an intensified suffering. Think of the ‘weighing scales’ as POLARITY; there is RISE and FALL based on the energetic stimulus being GIFTED to all. For even within intense suffering, imbalance, fear, there is an underlying gift to see, clear, and be free from a belief system or behavioural pattern that is the cause of any suffering. ENERGY is ENERGY. The DOOR is always open.
How we react to energy in these days ahead and now, is our CHOICE, and underlying POWER of CHOICE. The energies from last night, will unfold and build in multiple energetic patterns within each human body, moving towards Easter Day. This will create the intensity within human beings...humanity. In simple terms, what this means is:
There will be an increased INTENSITY FELT WITHIN HUMANS operating within the POLARISED FIELD. (For the sake of explanation, we can use the labels of ‘3D and 4D’ as frequency bandwidth ranges of Hertz within a Polarised field of lighted design):
Therefore, during this collective timeline, WITHIN 3D and 4D experiences of CONSCIOUSNESS:
* There will be an increase in LOVE within 3D and 4D.
* There will be a decrease in LOVE within 3D and 4D.
* There will be an increase in FEAR and FEAR-MONGERING within 3D and 4D.
* There will be an increase in PEACE, CALM, BALANCE within 3D and 4D.
* There will be EXPANSION of Consciousness, for humans within 3D and 4D.
* There will be CONTRACTION of Consciousness, for humans within 3D and 4D.
This Timeline brings a pre-designed, intensity of further division WITHIN the POLARISED fields of ‘3D and 4D’. To understand, regardless of each’s perspective, thus opinion, what matters in this timeline, are YOUR thoughts, YOUR words expressed out, YOUR re-actions, YOUR actions = YOUR ENERGY. These are divinely, EACH ONE’S individual choice in every moment. But to understand clearly, that no matter what is experienced INSIDE and OUTSIDE of each human, no matter what others write, or say out loud, or do:
* FEAR does not exist OUTSIDE of the field of Polarity (5D and above).
* DIVISION does not exist OUTSIDE of the field of Polarity (5D and above).
* CONFLICT within your mind or in the minds of others outside of you, does not exist OUTSIDE of the field of Polarity (5D and above).
* Peace, Love and Harmony...ONENESS, exists in 5D and above.
* The Ego only exists in it’s lessor originally designed form in 5D and above, to only defend the body against physical danger in order to keep the lifeform A-LIVE.
Planes of extremely complex geometrical forms of light and vibration that added together create LIGHT LAWS that differ in the many fields of LIGHT (dimensions) all created by Source. Each field, by design thus creates a bandwidth (frequency range or spectrum), so each dimension (light field) is different by it’s design and we traverse our consciousness through them when we match their ranges of HERTZ.
We can also reside for a long time within one field (dimension) if our HERTZ frequency remains constant and consistent within that dimensional bandwidth range. Whatever is our dominant sustained frequency, we reside in the most. This, is where FREE WILL CHOICE comes in. We learn to master our choices more CONSCIOUSLY, in 4D. And why 4D is such a ‘soup’ of intensity, within awakened humans. Until you leave it, by choice, as higher frequency sustained.
That choice is via our thoughts, words expressed, and chosen actions. Which add up, accumulate into SUSTAINED HIGHER ENERGY VIBRATION where we enter the lower frequency ENTRY POINT of 5D, that allows for the consciousness to grow and sustain more living in 5D, or lift higher. 5D with body, is where the existing higher dimensional SOUL is consciously accessed by the human mind and body. We therefore integrate, in time, our Soul. Become the SOUL, with a body and mind operated by the SOUL. Yet that too, is another stage that takes linear time to integrate fully, with no rushing necessary...
There is no right or wrong experience for any human being. Only the idea and belief of right or wrong, experienced only within a polarity field of 3D and 4D. This whole divine GAME has a VERY dominant concept to it: to experience CHOICE, with the seemingly ‘absent’ conscious connection of SOURCE within you and within all others. Over the last year, around the world, within the awakened communities, and unawakened, events have TRIGGERED REACTION. To divide further, or alternatively, UNIFY.
* There has been an increase in human fear.
* There has been an increase in fear-mongering.
* There has been a perpetuation to spread fear based writings and media. All the while, this unconscious behaviour negates one thing: energetic responsibility for energy EMITTED.
Energy just is...frequency based. Until individuals TRULY understand what energy frequency they are emitting, spreading, GIVING OUT, adding to the collective consciousness, they will cycle in 3D and 4D. When an individual becomes completely ENERGY REPSONSIBLE (amongst other energy based attributes integrated), they THEN match the LIGHT LAWS of the 5D Design Field, so will enter, at lowest 5D entry level, having aligned their awake conscious to that 5D Field. They can then only dip into 4D and 3D for short periods of time, before ENERGETICALLY being yanked back out, into the bandwidth they reside in (5D).
So to be aware of what you give your focus to. Be that your inner private thoughts, as well as what you CHOOSE to focus on outside of you. To observe others, not with judgement, but to simply discern what you CHOOSE to give your energy to, add to, perpetuate for you and others around you. Are you GIVING higher frequency or lower frequency energy to another? To just be consciously aware and make your choice, which creates your next reality, and the next and the next. There is no right or wrong choice, but you ARE creating, based on your individual choices of what you focus on. Example: If you focus on division, you will experience a reality of division. If you focus on FEAR, you will create more to be fearful of...etc. You are the creator...always...
To speak and share loving kindness to a subject of division within the awakened community:
LOVE FREQUENCY (hertz) is what ascends any human. So to not separate the unawakened from the awakened but to be compassion to all, regardless of their consciousness state or choices. There are many red herrings and falsities (old and new beliefs) within 4D, to be seen through. As I explained in March 2020, many SOULS have chosen to wait and awaken later in this living DIVINE game.
If you can’t feel Love for another, based on your own judgement of their choices, it is easy to be and give love to their SOUL that resides outside of their forgetfulness (outside of polarity) that is Source connected, and knows what it chose to experience via the human entity this lifetime. There will never be unity within division. Just history repeating itself within a Polarised field, where only the subject matters of division changes, to divide humanity more. We are here to create WITH our higher frequency consciousness. So to allow each their choice with no judgment, and if judgement arises, it’s your responsibility to look at YOUR judgement of others, find out why it exists, what belief system is running and clear it. To rise.
LOVE is simple, LOVE is kind:
LOVE is all inclusive, it does not separate or divide. It exists, as God’s ether, within all of creation. In simple terms, ascension and our individual reality presents again and again the same underlying HIDDEN CHOICE, without books or courses, without even a spoken word:
That, is the ever present choice to be, and give out AS ENERGY frequency. Not just to yourself, but to all things and all people. LOVE is ALL INCLUSIVE. It is easy to REACT (RE-ACT), oppose, hate, argue, judge, blame, FIGHT, but to BE LOVE and GIVE that Love out regardless of any outer circumstances, THAT is why we came. To be the ABSOLUTE FREQUENCY change, within the LIGHTED PRE-DESIGN made of SOURCE ITSELF.
Yesterday I knew, it is OUR timeline to:
And if you are one who feels an intensity of the LOVE frequency this weekend, there is the gratitude you will experience within, and the expressing out (giving) of the heightened frequency of Love’s Higher Octaves, to all, as only you know how. Each one’s uniqueness is their true gift. And why you came.
Give yourself permission, finally, to BE TRUE YOU.
One Love
Amanda Lorence
31 March 2021
‘There IS a River’ Oil on Canvas. Artist Amanda Lorence.