donderdag 21 mei 2020

Energy Update ~ Wendy Murphy

In these challenging times it can bring up a mirage of fear, anxiety and stress, because we feel out of control with our life due to the restrictions and being controlled by outside forces. This can cause you to forget to check in with your energy everyday, and forget, that you are, within yourself, a miracle, able to change and create whatever resonates with your soul.

Once you refocus on you, come back to your heart centre and remember who and what you are at the core this will help you to change your thought patterns, and perspective, to reopen you to see that there are still miracles around you too. It can be something as simple as noticing a beautiful flower, watching wild life go about their day, looking at the cloud formations, sitting with the rising and setting sun, going for a walk amongst nature, all simple things like this can help to calm the mind, bring peace to the soul and freedom to the spirit.

It all starts with you how your day will go, and what you choose to do, say and think that will either uplift your energy vibe or keep you in a pattern of feeling stuck, confused and lost. You are far stronger and braver than you give yourself credit for, and you are here at this time for a reason; to be the difference, to give light, and you are here to be one of the pioneers of positive change.

What has helped me through this difficult time is being creative, taking time to just be still, checking in with my energy everyday, protection, grounding, and practising gratitude even for the little things. When l have felt over whelmed by the collective energies l have breathed it out back to the universe, practised breathing exercises and also placed myself in a healing space, protection has been the biggest help and calling in archangels to support, uplift, guide and heal