vrijdag 8 november 2019

This is the Best time to be alive here on Earth ~ Mary Long

This is the Best time to be alive here on Earth

We are being giving the opportunity to transcend this World and ourselves in a way it has never been done, on any Planet. 
Many beings are here watching us, as well as guiding us if we ask for it, to see how we all ascend to higher realms while in our Physical Bodies. 
Our light bodies are being activated, with ever pain, every joy, every tear and every change we decide to make to better our selves as well as this Planet. 

Even if our Body does not make it because of the high volume of frequencies and radiation coming in, we will still go to where ever it is we desire to be.
There is no Death Dear Ones, we are Eternal Beings. 
No matter what is going on outside of us, it is all just energy that needs to be played out so we can bring everything into a balanced state.
As the Divine Feminine Energy continues to rise, things will escalate as we continue to bring the Masculine Energy into balance with the Feminine. 
We are all in this together no matter What, even if some are unaware. Everyone is experiencing these energies one way or another. 
Our Love is the most Powerful Weapon in the Whole Universe. 
And nothing can stop it. 