vrijdag 29 november 2019

December 2019- Eclipse Time: Major Shifts in Your Foundation, Communication Breakthroughs, Walking the Talk By Astromomma

December 2019- Eclipse Time: Major Shifts in Your Foundation, Communication Breakthroughs, Walking the Talk

By Astromomma
Welcome to December 2019! How the heck are we already to the end of the year? December 2019 is where major shifts are a foot. We have now entered Eclipse time. Eclipse’s always bring major change and awakenings. Sometimes this change can come out of the blue and without much warning. Usually we feel the effects of eclipses, anywhere from 4-6 weeks prior or after the actual date of the event. Hang on as it will be quite a ride!
We begin the month on December 3rd/4th with Jupiter, the planet of: optimism, wisdom and faith, moving from his home sign of Sagittarius, into Capricorn. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign, is known to be: responsible, authoritative, organized, structured and “the boss”. Jupiter transiting through the sign of Capricorn, will bring an expansion in our ability to be grounded and create lasting and solid structures.
 Jupiter is technically not comfy in the sign of Capricorn, and it’s considered to be his “fall” position. Planets in their ” fall” tend to be a bit weaker and not as fruitful in their manifestation abilities. Because of this fact, Jupiter in Capricorn, will also bring some obstacles and barriers that must be confronted with hard work and tenacity. We will want to achieve and be super productive during this transit, but will also have to watch for the tendency to be rigid and stubborn in our approach to achieving such results.
Moving to mid month, on December 12th, the moon, which rules our: soul, emotions and inner core, becomes full at 20 degrees of Gemini. Full moons are always supremely emotional and conjure: completions, manifestations and endings. Gemini, the 3rd sign of the zodiac, rules: communication, adaptability, curiosity, intellect and child like play. The Full Moon in Gemini will bring finality to a situation or project and this ending will involve a lot of communication and flexibility. 
Our emotions will be strong but instead of “feeling” these emotions, we might want to intellectualize them to death. Major contracts could be coming to a close with new ones on the way. We will need to watch out for gossip or idle chatter with this Full Moon. Sometimes Gemini energy has the best ideas and plans, but fails to take the action to bring them to fruition. The Full Moon in Gemini will ask us to remain malleable and tap into our inner child for guidance and assurance. Holding back your tongue could prove to be difficult with La Luna in the sign of the twins, so remember to take 10 breaths before communicating anything of importance at this time.
On December 21st/22nd, the Sun, which rules our: ego, vitality and life force, shifts from the sign of Sagittarius into the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign, as described above, is known to be: the patriarch, leader, old soul, wise grandfather, and go getter. The Sun’s entry into Capricorn, will add a more serious and grounded essence to our lives. While Sagittarius time was about inspiration and forming amazing new ideas, Capricorn time is about getting real and putting those grand ideas into a practical plan of action. No other sign can make it happen and “get it done” quite like a Cappy. We will be wanting stability and structure and half ass promises and ideals will take a back seat.
On December 25/26th, we begin the next Eclipse cycle. How appropriate that it happens on Christmas day. The Sun, which again, rules our: ego and vitality, becomes new at 4 degrees of Capricorn. Solar Eclipses, are new moons on steroids and bring: major and fated: beginnings, initiations and fresh starts. The issue with eclipses( either Solar or Lunar) is that they always bring change that is unforeseen and unexpected. The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is here to bring a major awakening to our: work, foundations, structures and commitments in life. One if not all of these areas will be effected and it will bring a whammy of change. 
We might want to hold on to old patterns or situations but this eclipse will demand us to wake up and get moving on what isn’t working in our lives. If you happen to have a planet or point in or around 4 degrees of Capricorn( my South node is here) then this eclipse will be even more dramatic and life altering. The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn will be about starting an era of integrity and work ability. If these words aren’t in your vocabulary, they will be by the time this baby comes.
December 2019 is here to bring the beginning of major change to our lives. As we enter the fated and destined Eclipse time, everything is up for change and you might not see it coming. Capricorn deals with karma as well. If you have been playing a dirty hand, expect to see the consequences and it might not be pretty. If you have been learning the lessons and coming from a place of integrity, December 2019 could bring in unexpected rewards and triumphs. You can’t run from being responsible. That will be the major lesson for this month.
December 2019 wants to awaken you to the beauty and serenity of hard work and solid intentions. This month is here to shake us up to what really matters in life and what “walking the talk” is all about. This fated month asks you to remain calm and centered throughout all these shifts and changes. December 2019 is here to bring: change to our foundations, awakening of our inner fortitude and the tenacity to make our dreams a reality.