vrijdag 8 november 2019

November Vibrations Forecast By: Natoya Hall

November Vibrations Forecast

By: Natoya Hall
You are the Medicine ~ Earth Keeper Selina Mu
Last week I gifted myself a healing/initiation from an Ancient Tree, known in her Earthly body as Earth Keeper Selina Mu. I’ve been connecting with this fascinating vessel of light online and connecting on a deeper level with her for a while now. Our first consultation I actually cancelled; I wasn’t ready for what I knew would take place. 
The push was so intense to have this meeting with her that I finally booked the appointment and stuck with it; I know myself and whenever I’ve been called to go deeper or into the next level of my Healing work I never think I’m fully ready. But I was this time and I knew coming out I wouldn’t be the same and I was right. 
This Healing/Initiation took me on a Soul journey into the very essence of my being, who I was and why I was here. It got confirmed that I was indeed a “master” healer and came from the stars but I was also shown something that I did not want to admit to myself. Since the beginning of 2019, I was visited by the Divine Mother and was told that my healing would change drastically as I went deeper into assisting the morphing of the human vessel. I was then introduced to whom I call the “Three Sisters; they were to be apart of my new healing team. 

In my journeying, I had an “AHA” moment and realized that those three sitters weren’t just energetic beings of light but those three women were shown to me because they were Ancients that were currently in my life that would be working with me. They were the Descendants of Mama Gaia Herself and what shocked me was that I was apart of this monad of the Ancient Helpers and Keeper of Healing Codes. I had written a post on Facebook a few weeks back, before my Healing and a few ladies had written under the comments and said that I had visited them and they saw me as Mother Gaia herself. 
I laughed it off and pretended that it was just a nice comment but it stayed with me and haunted my thoughts for days. See, what’s being shown to me now are the Ancient Ones coming back online to assist even more deeply and profoundly; if you are reading this and are getting a physical reaction in your body, a Knowing of truth; YOU, Dear One, are an Ancient Being. 
This is where I want to begin Novembers Forecast!
 The above paragraph scares me profoundly to write. “Who do I think I am”, “Toya, you’re too much now”, “YOU, a Master Healer”? LOL! These are my thoughts, my fears, my insecurities…My Mastery. I wanted to share this with you because it’s real and honest. The themes in my life and what I’ve been witnessing in the Collective shows me why I do what I do and why I’m good at it. I know I’m not the only one this is happening to; actually I know we are ALL feeling this and scared shitless to FINALLY be introduced to ourselves. Let me hold the mirror up Divine Brothers and Sistars and show you what you’ve been hiding from yourself…YOU. 
You are finally being called to the plate to show up as yourself but there’s still some doubt as to your worthiness of this role. If you are reading this YOU are the Ancients, the Wayshowers, the Bringers of Light, the Master Healers, Builders, Creation Guides; Starseeds. I’ve been seeing it in the Spiritual Community so many repetitive time loops of the same questions, the same thought patterns, the same behaviours, the same fears and worries and hardly anyone putting the pieces together and realizing that they have to step out on FAITH and allow that uncomfortable frequency to tear them apart because you are NO longer able to live in that bubble you’ve once been so comfortable in but secretly hated! October came through and said, “TIME’S UP”. 
October started the frequency switch over to the most profound, intense and life-changing energies thus far as we were PUSHED to level up our consciousness once more. Many things are going on here and I’ll try to explain it the way I want and need my team to explain it to me; simple and to the point! 
We are no longer residing in the vessels once known as HUman; we are the new and improved Human; let me take it one step deeper. 
Who you currently are at this moment is the VERY essence you agreed to be before you incarnated here. October laid the old you to rest. This is partly why it was some of the most intense physical regeneration in our Ascension journey thus far. 
Dormant parts of us were coming online like never before and we have turned the fuck on. October brought in High-Frequency Light that shifted us and the planet’s consciousness into overdrive. This acceleration period into our new paradigm of 2020 is in full throttle and there’s no turning back; this is it! 
As these dormant parts of us “click” back on our Ancient wisdom is also being immortalized within the cells, blood, organs and DNA.
November will push us even further into our Ancient Wisdom and guide us into how to incorporate these traits into our everyday lives. What November will do is ask you to look, feel and sense with your Higher Perceptions and TRUST that what you are feeling, thinking and becoming. 
They are no more veils and we are open to EVERY type of energies streaming in.  From Father Central Sun,  The Galactic Core, to Cosmic Mama Luna and Mama Gaia; you are the descendants of these powerful energetic portals and that comes with the morphing of your vessel into Cosmic Alignment. 
These are wisdom and attributes that were once hidden from us that are now turning and attuning back into us; this is HUGE. I want to go briefly into some of the different beings here on Planet Earth that will be coming into your everyday consciousness or awareness: 
The Watchers: These Beings in human form are not necessarily “bad” but it’s important to know that they are here! The watchers come into your life to see how you are maintaining your light and doing your Healing, Grid, Wayshowers work here.
 From what I’ve picked up its admiration but also for research. Remember, you are the first to come down here and be “switched on” while in a human form PLUS activate your higher wisdom and bring that upon Earth to assist in her consciousness; you’re a big deal! 
They come in as clients that are very supportive but not really in need of your services because they are from a higher dimension. 
Some are your friends and you may feel that they are not giving you “bad vibes” but something is off about them; they admire you and are there for you, but something doesn’t “click” with them. You may have them “pop” into your mind when you are doing something in your field of expertise. Some watch and report back to Star Beings that ARE assisting us here. Some, lend a helping hand in reminding you of your truest potential. 
The Handlers: The Handlers are lower vibrational and they come into your life to keep you from stepping into your Light and Power at all cause. When they are around nothing, no matter how hard you try manifests for you. Everything seems to fall apart when they are around; you feel sick the most often around them, confused, overwhelmed, tired and drained. 
They come around mostly as lovers and family members who can control you in ways that friends cannot. I have had a lover that was a handler and sexually he was the best but every time we would have sex I would feel like I was dying with how drained and blank I felt afterwards. 
This automatically forced me to end things with him and for months after I would get attacked in my sleep and the energies he would send me were pushing me to hurt or harm myself, even my dog. I called in my warrior team from the Galactic and that ended immediately; I wasn’t the one to fuck with and neither are you once you know! 
They give and promise you the world, they seem to appear when you need help financially, with a home situation or just tired and would love someone to “just be there”. At first they may seem like a Karmic relationship because you just can’t seem to stay away from them but that should be the sign that they are not whom they appear to be. Once you separate your energy from them you may fall sick or feel suicidal, feel empty, guilt or lost.  
 The Assimilator/Shapeshifter’s: Now, there’s nothing wrong with Shapeshifting. I am actually going to teach this in my course next year! As Starseed’s this is something we naturally know how to do for shielding, protection, shifting into a body or look that is more aligned with our higher selves. Assimilators/Shapeshifter are people you usually don’t have constantly in your life but they come around to disrupt your energy field and piece of mind. 
They will make an argument happen right beside you or have someone lash out at you. They would show up as the person you just don’t want to be around and once you sense them out they assimilate to another form of energy to get your frequency unbalanced or to get your attention to draw on your fear, worries, or insecurities. 
I find them highly annoying more than anything and once I’m aware of them I raise my frequency and activate my shield from AA Metatron; you can ask AA Metatron for this shield and he will anchor it within your back for the ultimate protection. 
Once they sense this they scatter. Be mindful of what you give your attention too. Once I’m in public I put my headphones in, I choose who I want to speak to. 
The reason I write this is not to scare you but make you aware that we are no longer in Kansas! We have to be Sovereign Beings of Light and ask in every moment of the day; “Who Sent You?”, “What do you want from me?”, and, “IF you are not of Light, Oneness and Mother/Father God, Creator of all, Be gone NOW”, “I do not give you consent to be around me”, or just “Fuck OFF”, works wonders!  
I also use a technique that was taught to me last year, this is the merging of my Higher Self. I use this to write my reports and do my videos. I say; “Higher Self, I now ask you to merge and be one with me”. You will feel your body expanding and memories, wisdom, visuals of all types of beings start to come into your mind; This is you and every type of vessel/being you have EVER been. 
Sometimes all you feel is immense Love! I’m guided to go into this because it is important to begin to Live as a Starseed  or a Fully awakened HUman on Earth. When you know you move differently in the world. November will show us all the myriad of ways that we will begin to exist here and it is profound. I will also be teaching these techniques next year.  
One last note before I close our session are the symptoms. As the dormant parts of you awaken know that you are awakening to your Cosmic Alignment; Imagine the Omniverse in an Avatar. This is a HUGE undertaking and it requires sleep, rest, water and nature as much as possible. 
EVERYTHING is happening to the body as it awakens to High Voltage of Power. Dizziness, Spaciness, Confusion, Headaches, Nausea, Stiff Joints, Upset Stomach and Digestion issues as our body is needing less food and it takes a lot to process dense foods. Seeing your fears, insecurities and timelines play out in front of you through other people. Feet, Knees and pelvic stiffness as Earth Star aligns in your Portal once known as the Root Chakra; I will speak more about this in the next few months. 
Body dysmorphia as you are shapeshifting; one day your body looks one way and the next a completely new body and face. Be mindful of your thoughts, and control what comes in because not every thought you think is yours or from the light. You have to begin to master this because this also aids your creative power. If you don’t know how to control your mind someone else will. The veils are GONE, this is it!! 
I’ve been off for a few weeks to anchor in these new downloads and it is still coming down! There’s so much more I have to say but I will end it here! Remember, dear Starseeds, you are Creation’s greatest gift. You are guided, protected and so Loved beyond what you could fathom. 
You are master transmitters/transmuters and with these energies coming down remember you were given the firepower to transcend ANYTHING. If you weren’t so powerful and BADASS the war on our consciousness would be non-existent and we would all be home on our Star Planet living it up but no we are here fighting the greatest most profound battle.
Remember who you are and SHOW UP as that Being of Magnificent Light Everyday. You are needed; hear the call of your Ancient Soul and RISE UP.