zaterdag 16 november 2019

Mary Long ~ Discernment is important right now dear ones

Discernment is important right now dear ones

With the constant unrest of Political bashing, you can tell that they are desperate to keep their control over humanity and all life on this planet.
They will do anything at this point to keep your minds occupied on them, they know they are loosing their control and will mess with our minds to keep us in a state of fear. 
Same goes with Spiritual Sites, Alternative sites that share the truth, or were sharing the truth. You can tell when you read something and it does not resonate. So they will even try to get to you through your Soul, to make you feel anger and fear of what is occurring on this planet. A lot of my alternative sites that I have followed for years have been compromised. 
The more chaotic it seems to get, the more we know they are loosing their power, because we are shedding light on all their satanic agenda's. 

They are being exposed in a big way behind the scenes and as long as they have control over MSM News, they will continue to present lies that only stir up our emotional state, to sway the many from truly seeing their false agenda's. 
There are still many caught up in their agenda's of separation, but those numbers are becoming smaller daily as more continue to wake up and see beyond the veils of the illusion they have had us all in. 
Stay centered in your hearts, expand your aura of light and keep planting those seeds of Love. 
Their agenda's will turn around on them and expose who they truly are, the more unrest they create, the more they expose themselves. 
It is so obvious to see and feel what they are doing when we trust what our hearts are feeling .