zaterdag 16 november 2019

LoveHasWon Special Message~Humanity’s Resistance to Love By Archeia Aurora & Archeia Hope of The First Contact Ground Crew Team

LoveHasWon Special Message~Humanity’s Resistance to Love

By Archeia Aurora & Archeia Hope of The First Contact Ground Crew Team
Humanity’s resistance to love and the ascension is rising, as Mother of All Creation brings in higher and higher energies. She is 98% complete with bringing in “The Event” energies to the planet. These energies have never before been on the planet and it is causing a huge pressure build within the collective. 
The collective is resistant to love energies because they have never experienced pure unconditional love before. This planet was immersed in pain and suffering and humanity became addicted to it. Receiving love is a huge energetic block within humanity due to their lack of feeling and lack of self-love. They instantly reject pure love because its uncomfortable. The EGO resists anything uncomfortable and instead chooses old habits even if they are self-destructive. 

Humanity’s lack of feeling means that not only do they numb themselves from pain, but consequently, numb themselves from joy. Mother God is pushing insane amounts of love energy into the plant as The Event energies come to a climax. Humanity is in deep resistance to these energies as they bust our heart chakras wide open. 
After being separated from Source for over 27,000 years humanity has forgotten what it feels like to be connected to this energy. Humanity has been lost deep in the matrix, and as the energies on the planet increase daily unlike ever before humanity is unsure of what to do or what is going on. Due to the deception and lies from the cabal old controllers, humanity has no clue what to do during this ascension process as they have hidden the truth from humanity for so long. However, Mother God incarnated in a physical body to bring the truth to humanity so that they had a blue print to follow that would assist them in exiting the illusionary matrix. As humanity is unaware that they are not their ego minds, they have resisted the truth and chose to reject it, in turn humanity is choosing to stay enslaved and trapped in the old 3D paradigm. 
Mother God had no choice but to continue to bring in the highest vibrational frequencies ever experienced in all of Creation to Earth because the planet is dying and must ascend back to 5D in order to restore the natural balance of the planet back into harmony and love. Due to humanities resistance and lack of participation in the ascension, they are choosing to stay in illusion until it completely crumbles before their eyes. Sadly, this is not the plan that was originally intended for humanity during this evolutionary process, however it is what had to happen as majority of the collective has chosen to stay asleep. The old controllers did everything they could to deeply program humanity with the ego mind, and now it is so deep that everything illusionary must be ripped from humanity in order to get their lessons. When all is said and done, all that will be left after the illusion is gone is love (which is truth), and humanity will have no choice but to choose love or not. There are no other options. 
Just as we have a physical, emotional, and spiritual body, we also have these different heart layers. Our physical heart beats and circulates our life force energy through our bodies, it is the Source of our existence. Our emotional heart is the feeling center, the one that experiences the range of emotions across the human scale such as joy, sadness, pain, love, etc. Most humans have only accessed up to their emotional heart. This is why many beings have shut down their hearts because once they experience lower human emotions such as pain, sadness, grief, etc., they no longer want to feel anything. This then cuts them off from also experiencing the higher human emotions such as joy, bliss, and peace. 
However, what humanity does not understand is that beyond the 3D scale of human emotions, lies the spiritual heart. This is our sacred connection, our Soul that is connected to Source and to All. The sacred heart does not experience lower emotions, all it knows is unconditional love. It is exits in a space of pure acceptance, peace and bliss. 
In order to access the spiritual heart, we must open up fully our emotional heart and transform all the pain and traumas surrounding our experience. When being closed down their hearts, their feeling centers, they block the flow of energy. This is when beings experience physical illnesses and diseases in the heart chakra. 
These energies that are hitting the planet are specifically targeting the heart chakra, the most damaged chakra to humanity. 99% of humanity is operating purely from the lower chakras (Solar, Sacral & Root). The flow of energy stops at the Solar Plexus because the heart chakra has been closed off. This prevents the throat, third eye and crown from coming fully online. The heart chakra is the center, the Source & the bridge. This is where humanity needs to heal. 
As the energies put pressure on all to open up their hearts and their feeling centers, this can feel very overwhelming for humanity causing anxiety, heart palpitations, etc. The more resistance one is in to these energies, the worse it will be. The only way forward is to fully SURRENDER. Accept, embrace and allow these energies to bring you back into the heart. This is how humanity will finally be able to receive love and connect with Mother. 
For those on the path of ascension who are fully living in their hearts, the resistance will show up as failing to take leaps of faith, failing to do what your soul knows is the next step for full embodiment, and failing to fully step up into your roles. We are each a unique aspect of Mother and Father, and each play a unique role in this ascension process. For those that know what their role is and what their purpose is, but are refusing to step into it, you are in direct resistance to the ascension.
Ascension=evolution. The more we hang onto the 3D constructs of who we are, the 3D belief systems and ways of living, we are in pure resistance to evolving. Our role was to come down and dissolve every last bit of 3D and the EGO programmed mind. We were called to be the warriors and the brave ones who were willing to break down the system, and to wake up to who we truly are. We contracted with Mother and Father that we would find them in the physical and we would support and participate in Mother’s ascension of this planet. If we are not serving this role, we are not evolving. 
Humanity must dissolve their resistance to evolution, to their own ascension. The EGO wants to self destruct, while the Soul wants to return home to the light. Which voice are you listening to? SURRENDER. We are heading back to Heaven on Earth and only those who are letting go of the shore and jumping into the river of love everywhere present will be entering. Every single being on this planet will have the choice to follow the path home into the light or not. There are very few moments left for humanity to step up before everything illusionary falls away. Now are the moments to get into the heart and out of the mind because pretty soon humanity will no longer have the option of choosing. Only love will remain.  