donderdag 14 november 2019

Let There Be Light By A Gift From Gaia

Let There Be Light

By A Gift From Gaia
Mercury has been upgraded after the recent eclipse with the Sun, we have received the codes and the collective spectrum we surf has been expanded.
What does this mean?
Mercury is our planet of communication and is the reflection of our throat chakra, it is the gateway of expression for our thoughts and feelings and emanates our truth in our communication throughout our field.
It’s where we speak from, it’s what we say, how we say it but it’s even what we don’t say and also what we receive.
Whilst asleep and playing in unconscious fields we are so very unaware of the communication we emit into our field, however as the awakening begins and the further we walk into light this becomes a vital channel that we must become incredibly aware of.

Our spectrum expanding means that we have been anchoring in new data, and this data allows us to tap into more higher ways of giving and receiving information and so the expansion into higher frequencies means the lower end of the spectrum gets more “tight” before becoming brittle and dissolving.
This creates, from within a clearing, and reflects out, if required, into the reality to be seen so we can begin to expect some confusion, misunderstandings, but also secrets and lies begin to come to the surface, more so in the world stage as the blue ray of truth (behaviour) begins to show up any distortions.
Of course this rebirth is absolutely a part of the Divine Plan, we only need look at 2020 to see we most definitely require an upgrade in the communication department before the super conjunction.
How does this play out for us, ok it’s simple, and yet almost impossible in the beginning when communication is coming from the mind, but the art of self observation can be learned fluently through becoming very aware of the data we emit.
Words….are so very important, I call them word spells when they are so obviously unobserved, I recently had a wonderful example of a word spell I used without thinking and without feeling into the vibration of the word.
The word for me was INSANE and I used it for everything amazing, but I also used it to describe myself, some of the data I have brought through over the years had me getting super excited, of course this was the beginning, this was when it was all “insane” and I would have huge emotional reactions to the wisdom unlocking within me.
Some of the data at the time seemed so “way out” and I would say I’m either awake or insane.
By the way this data will be coming out into the reality through the the Alignment Program and those wanting to dive deep with us will be able to receive. So this data was not insane, truth was it was a quantum leap from where I was receiving from.
So I delivered to myself (manifested) the perfect picture of insane to help me see the truth of what that word meant. Funny enough part of that manifestation was assisted by a wonderful mirror who also became distorted at the key I held about word spells and we parted.
Light gems always line up and highlight the path and each participant in the learning will all be connected in the octave. So much gratitude and love for the experience however it was all rather uncomfortable but this assisted the key of word spells being planted in the physical.
Now to add to the word we must look at the power behind the word, so if you can imagine me, sat in meditation, in peace, and this “insane” data drops in, I come out of meditation and allow it to settle, before the excitement used to pop, the energy raised tenfold and I begin to bipolar, from peace to WOW in no time. Generally speaking my first point of call would be to instantly share in that WOW moment and this is where the use of the word INSANE would flow, what I meant was Awesome or something along those lines.
But what I projected out into my field was that I welcomed insane, the power in my excitement powered up my magnetic field and I gave the instruction to receive more…….insanity…..and I did.
If you read a recent post I talk about the WOW moments and how this super pumped energy leaves no place for higher mind thought, it simply reacts and keeps firing until it’s burned up that excess data, and if you take a moment to think about this, I’m sure you are all aware of those times when you have been super pumped and then shoot something out of your mouth that highlights there is no awareness happening.
We’ve all done it, along the lines of telling a friend about this most miraculous thing happening only to remember mid words that you had told them you weren’t hanging out that day because you had a headache….that type of uncontrolled “mind blurt”. Of course that’s a very unconscious example but the most common to assist with explaining.
Technically these karmic rebounds are field clearers and open fresh fields of alignment however at the time it means we’ve got some truth bearing to do and an assessment on the need to lie.
The power of word is HUGE and whilst this post may trigger thoughts of well it doesn’t matter because we should be/are telepathic, we aren’t all there yet, and those who are will tell you that to know someone’s truth (frequency) whilst the words contradict is not a comfortable position to be in.
Some say they have no connection to the words but that too shows a massive mind and no dialogue from the heart.
Words, thoughts sound, communication, frequency…to deny any aspect is to begin the separation and this creates a whole load of junior wizards with some very powerful wands sending out spells into fields that reverberate back most often creating blockages and loops around materialising abundance, however that may appear.
Our conversation both internally and externally would be better imagined as though what you say instantly manifests, which it does, but for many is very unseen, until the ability to see patterns in the physical is learned.
Banter is an area that is highly distorted, the kids in the UK seem to speak constant banter, how much can you impact an inner child with word missiles, wrapped up as a “joke”, that’s another one, joke, how many times have we heard someone use the words “I’m only joking” when they become aware the wrong (right, very right, the joke is their truth) thing has been said.
Words tell us so much if you are prepared to observe, as we begin to become aware of the ego and judgement we hear the words “I’m not judging but” or when speaking confidently “this isn’t my ego but” the field is instantly pulling forward mirrors for the beholder to see areas where judgement and ego exist.
Folk who say sorry and constantly apologising, this was me in my young years, mind loop words that pop out regulary, they are symbols, what are they truly saying about the frequency held.
I will share more and explain more in the keys waiting to be birthed in The Alignment Program which will launch when the website births and we are not too far away now. Completion is due next week and then we set the launch date and looking at Mars’s incoming shift and the alignments made with my natal chart it’s coming in perfect Divine Time even though humanly appearing delayed, of course nothing is delayed!
Whilst I mention this I have a super gift for those enquiring and logging their interest to join now! Email to receive
The power of communication, something we are moving into as we enter the Age of Aquarius, the power of light will be shown through all means but it always has begun with frequency, with sound and therefore whilst in physical form it begins with words.
The cosmic pattern is : And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
God spoke the request into the cosmic field, energy breathed (vapour, water, data) into the field with the intention to create, light.
The feed into the field was created and this is where and why we say to observe your feed, the output and the intake, the words and the frequency behind them because it is with this gift of words, handed to us by The Firsts and adapted over thousands of years to suit each generation that has a stupendous amount of creation energy, it has the power to emit peace, totally, with the Will to observe as it also has shown us the power to create war.
A slip of the tongue, or was it…..
Mercury is now going to align those thoughts and feelings with the action of communication and it will now be shown with ease, those showing up in their alignment, and those distorting in downfall.
More clearing through the collective as we release the ignore-ance of how we manifest, how we create and how we build our realities.
Silence is a great starting point, it’s a place where we all can observe the most subtle of communication and it’s the perfect study space for the wise.