zondag 3 november 2019

Energy Report of this Now ~ We will be purified more ~ Kwana Mikaela

Energy Report of this Now ~ We will be purified more.

The closer 2020 'comes', the more 2020 energies require all our intention and focus, and big part of this next Phase for Humanity is related to purification of MENTAL. • 27 September - 1 November •

Memory 'section' plays out small, short pieces of all kind of memory episodes from our current lifetime, and we can observe how they appear on our mental screen; this creates 'substance of memories' besides more serious releases of Mental sub-levels, where we can face very rooted programming. 
This can cause disorientation or mental confusion, because simultaneously we are receiving also newest upgrades; allow to all unfolds in a way it does, accept, then move your awareness-focus on your Heart, where you are gaining peace and stability, Because YOU CAN. You are not nor these thought-forms nor memories, nor emotions, nor sensations, nor feelings, even it can create mixed states; you are enough strong, bright, wise, Divine to let go, it is 'time' for it. And, with every "I empty myself", you are coming closer to Heart Awareness, and GOD-SELF Within.

During last five days, we had massive incoming Plasma Light, and 2rd November brings additional - New (on November energetic based Blast of Plasma and Diamond particles). 


• Headache (lighter to some specific areas of the head); temple, forehead area.
• 'Cold', deep sore throat, pressure around nose, watery/sore eyes (temporary expressions).
• High frequency sound in ears; incoming data packages for each's journey.
• Sense of tired muscles or sense that you are feeling how light infuses in your muscles; weakness in legs.
• Extra tiredness vs. extra activity; high potent moment for creativity and Flow.
• Changes in body temperature (if cold, make sure, that you 'warm up' (warm blanket, bath), - loving care supports balance).
• Vital point to pay your attention is your DIET ❗️Based on observations, there is high request from our on carbon based physical body for sweet, sugar; before it was in moments but now becomes much more.

Also, we need to be aware that we are 'learning' or gain understanding, what is supportive for crystalline Light Body and what no longer serves for this Divine process of transformation, where we are literally changing all about vessel-template. FEEL what is good for you, because there are present "two voices" - on carbon based body and physical Light Body 'under your skin' if you will. Be easy and loving towards yourself, you are changing.
I will keep update with how unfolds data in planetary and Collective field.

For me personally those five days (27/10 - 1/11) was hard raw phase, I stayed off of social media; since end of august till recent I was few times seriously hitted by 'energies' 'who' don't want me to continue personal elevation, Divine Service, to silence, to stop me from spreading information, videos, possible that those who are much longer in Service can understand about what I'm talking; but I AM HERE, healed, open within Heart, and ready for this amazing period of last two months where will occur so much blessed turning points for us all beautiful Humanity 

Pure Love from my Heart's frequency and Beigness to you all 

Kwana Mikaela