maandag 4 november 2019

Directed Energy Weapons are a huge issue ~ Laura Eisenhower

Directed Energy Weapons are a huge issue that can make us feel like there is no way to win this War -- but that is not true. We are co-creating our future. 
Artificial Timelines and energy weapons go hand in hand, to where we are pulled into Survival zone which distorts our connection with our true Creative power. 
We are all exposed to this (very much so right now) and for some people and locations, it is more extreme than others. 
But just being implanted, taken, abducted, mistreated, given tainted water, vaccines, food; or where we have been compromised in any way or on any level, is an attack and the whole human race has been under this NET of assault and mind-control. 

We have all been very vulnerable to some aspect of this. Even our dearest friends or partners can be subjected to these influences and turn on us. 
Our Divine Nature is based in Elementals. The tug of War is very strong right now between Higher self and lower self -- influencing our choices. Lower self on its own feeds an Artificial reality and requires our divine guidance to truly thrive and overcome it. 
If we integrate these polarities, the Higher takes over the lower through merging and so it chooses a more suitable trajectory that leads us towards true Human Sovereignty. 
As the Elements of our organic Gaia are seeking to create Balance, energy weapons are exacerbating this process in hopes we give our power away to outer Authority. 
(Archon parasites do this to us when a wound comes up too that we are attempting to heal.)
Outer Authority can only work as a guide, not a Controller -- the latter is old Paradigm energies we are moving on from. Cosmic and Natural laws create balance -- bickering and polarized humans can't achieve this. 
Allow these Elemental extremes to spark major change within and the willingness to step into Love, gratitude and Wisdom about how we can best conduct ourselves in the face of adversity, to Rise above all Adversities. Wholeness and balance can only result. 
The AI imitators rely on us staying locked into our lower mind ~ duality, War, fear and Survival. Our higher self can see the bigger picture and is available to us all and wants to come in. So let us devote to allowing this process to take place. 
Even though we might dip into those lesser places of self as we process all that is going on -- let us never stop until we return to our True Divine Nature, with the ability to steer this ship in alignment with Organic Ascension.