donderdag 13 juli 2023

A MESSAGE: Amanda Lorence

I break with typical postings and subjects, to honour my sight and hearing and give out a message to someone I do not know. But they are in the world.
To the being in human form in the world looking for Seat No. 9…

You won’t see or find, via the ‘so far typical’ human consciousness level humanity uses. OR by using the NUMERICAL systems used worldwide so far, by the ‘typical’ human consciousness. OR by the ‘so far typical’ human eye sight of human NUMBERING SYSTEMS. Humanity so far, in all genres, have used and worked with NUMBERS, MUCH differently to Higher Hertz Frequency use of NUMBERS. So you would need to either see via third eye, by raising frequency to SEE, or FIND via your own gifts or via your dreamtime, in order to find the Seat Number 9 you are searching for. Relating to your search in this world, of Seat Number 9. You have Galactic memory of Seat 9. You will already know the meaning of this and what you are searching for. You just haven’t found it yet upon the Earth, via your Earthly form.
Not my usual post I know. But I hope it helps someone. I know I am to post this for you (whoever you are)
And if anyone knows of someone this may apply to, please pass this message on to them. Thank you.
With Love.
12 July 2023
PS…this message is not channeled. I’ve written it based on seeing and hearing the human and Pleidian aspects of their Soul