zaterdag 23 juli 2022



I hope you are all enjoying these powerful Frequencies that are assisting our final ascend out of the artificial Matrix Realities! Since I recorded my latest video and Cosmic Energy Update, which includes a Emerald Heart Activation, I can feel my own Heart softening and opening in a very gentle and beautiful way. All to get us ready for today's 'AWAKEN YOUR INNER DRAGON' Remote Activation. I feel there is a lot going on with the Divine Masculine Collective, especially those that are the carrier's of the Blue Ray and Melchizedek priesthood and lineages. The corrected masculine Rod Codes are being activated for them and clearing any remaining inversions and reversals within the Consciousness bodies.

A very powerful Quantum Healing of the Blue Ray, Melchizedek Logos and Mother Line's is unfolding in this sacred now. I am being shown that this is all also healing the Gold and Amethyst Ray, as part of the Threefold Founder Flame, the 12 Founder Races, and Sphere of Amenti that holds the Original Divine Source Codes/ Blueprint/ Morphogenetic field. All supported by these powerful Emerald Ray infusions and Heart Grid Activations taking place within and without. AS THE MOTHER FULLY HEALS - ALL HEAL!! As ALL ARE truly ONE! She holds the Original Source Codes and Blueprints of Creation. As she re-births herself, she re-births ALL of Creation! The message is very clear: "EXPECT MIRACLES!!" Re-member and re-claim your gifts, abilities and power, your Maji Grail Queen/ King, your inner Krystic Dragon aspect, and One True Self! The Grids are sparkling and ready to fully ignite and awaken, to show us what is really REAL, and so are we, ready to rise and ROAR in our brilliant, colourful, unique, Diamond fractal Signature and Frequency of God Source Consciousness embodied. Powerful Crystalline, DNA and Plasma Rainbow Lightbody Activations continue to build and prepare us for the final fireworks display! Many are receiving their own messages and signs of confirmation from their hologram that THIS IS IT!! ANY MOMENT NOW EVERYTHING IS ABOUT TO CHANGE FOREVER, IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE Powerful Solar energies continue with solar winds and a powerful geomagnetic storm expected over the coming hours/ day, as well as daily Schuhmann Resonance spikes that resemble and symbolise our Wings, as we are truly getting ready to open them to fly higher than we ever have before!!! Here is the list of Stargates and other sites for those taking part in today's Activation, or for anyOne this may be of interest. Stargates 10, 11&12, the Arc Sites, as well as the Hill of Tara, Ireland, Giza, Egypt and Uluru, Australia, Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland, Chartres Cathedral, France, as well as others here in Ireland, England and France, are going to me on my focus list, as well as the Platinum Diamond Network, and whatever else comes in. I shared in my last Cosmic Energy Update and YouTube video, that the recommendation is to led your Mind drop into your Heart and into the SILENCE. Empty yourself and let Source full-fill you, and show you the way and the truth. As all-ways, trust your own inner guidance above all else and tap into the Diamond Grid and Gate locations as you are being shown. Or just hold the Frequency of Love and Peace, or whatever else you feel guided too. Just don't complicate things as this Activation is mostly about us opening up our Hearts up wide. And RE-MEMBER, ALL OF THIS, ALL OF THE COSMOS IS RIGHT THERE INSIDE OF YOUUUU!!! NOW-HERE to go to! Your Sacred Emerald, Diamond Rose Heart and Cosmic Seed Atom, is your Source, your Home! LET'S FULLY IGNITE THE NEW DIAMOND GRID & OUR DIAMOND AVATAR & SHOW EVERYONE WHAT IS POSSIBLE WHEN WE BELIEVE ON OUR-SELFS!! As we lift the last veil or forgetfulness together as ONE Heart-Mind, Body and Soul/ Logos! Returning the true history records and Emerald Records to HUmanity and ALL, as we re-member our True Kryst-All Diamond Avatar and God Source Self, our Cosmic Origins and History again, from deep within! Which is what brings the New Organic Ascension Realities and Creatrix field fully online!! Any moment now!! Tune into the information yourself if you feel guided to, take only what resonates, and as all-ways apply your own understandings and gnosis. The following is a mix of information from the Ascension Glossary and Energetic Synthesis website: "A Stargate is a vortex of energy wave spectrum that connects into multiple other dimensions within the Universal time space matrix. Stargates are an organic part of the the mechanics of creation and function as the core manifestation template of Universal creation, which is the holographic architecture called the 12 Tree Grid. There are 12 original Planetary Gates. The main planetary gates open into the Galactic and Universal Stargates at the end of evolutionary cycles. These were sealed off by the Guardian Founder Races due to severe damage and control by Negative Alien Races NAA. As a result many Starseeds and Indigo 1's have agreed to incarnate on the planet during the Ascension cycle to help repair planetary Ley Lines and embody Stargates. Stargate and Humanity Tribe One Week One of Twelve weeks of Planet Emancipation Gridwork: Inner Gate of Cyprus (Stargate 1) and its linkup into Arizona, North of Sedona Stargate and Humanity Tribe Two Inner Gate of Easter Island, Chile (Stargate 2) and its FFM (Four Faces of Man) linkup into Jerusalem (Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount) and the Northeast Gulf Of Mexico (Biloxi, Mississippi to Mobile, Alabama to Fort Meyers, Florida). Stargate and Humanity Tribe Three Inner Gate of Johannesburg, South Africa linkup into Nepal and the Bermuda Triangle areas Stargate and Humanity Tribe Four Inner Gate of Central Mexico (Jesus- Maria Municipality, Aquascalientes through Mexico City), linkup into Giza, Egypt areas for the period of seven Stargate and Humanity Tribe Five Inner Gate of Vatican city, underground linkup into Machu Picchu, and the Mother arc Gateway and field thread we created in Bali areas. Stargate and Humanity Tribe Six Inner Gate of Thar Desert at the India and Pakistani Border (About 366 miles from New Delhi), and its underground linkup into the Caucasus Mountains at the Russia and Georgia border (between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea). Stargate and Humanity Tribe Seven Week Seven Planet Emancipation Gridwork: Inner Gate of Ionian Islands (Albanian and Greek Coastline of Ionian Sea), and its underground linkup into the Lake Titicaca, Bolivia Stargate and Humanity Tribe Eight Week Eight Planet Emancipation Gridwork: Inner Gate of Lop Nur, Border of Tibet and China, and its underground linkup into the Xian, China Stargate and Humanity Tribe Nine Week Nine Planet Emancipation Gridwork: Inner Gate of Westbury England in the Valley of the White Horse (South of Bath) and its underground linkup into the Tibet Autonomous Region, Bam Co Lake, (North of Lhasa and Bhutan) Stargate and Humanity Tribe Ten Week Ten Planet Emancipation Gridwork: Inner Gate of Basrah, Iraq and its underground linkup into the Abadan, Iran. Stargate and Humanity Tribe Eleven Inner Gate and Island of Ireland’s Eye in the Irish Sea and its underground linkup into the binary structure of St. Ives Bay, Cornwall, UK and Amesbury, Wiltshire, UK (near Stonehenge) Stargate and Humanity Tribe Twelve Inner Gate and Island of Kauai, Hawaii and its underground linkup into the South of France, Montsegur. Mother Arc Stargate Locations ● 1 Adare, Ireland ● 2 Stonehenge, England ● 3 Seattle, Wash, US ● 4 Manhattan Island, US ● 5 Bali, South Pacific ● 6 Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia ● 7 Phoenix, Arizona US ● 8 Atlantic Ocean, SW of Bermuda (64.9W, 32.1N) ● 9 Antarctica (13W, 88S) ● 10 Baghdad, Iraq ● 11 Newgrange Ireland ● 12 Cornwall, UK I also add Rondane Mountains in Norway and Arklow in Ireland and there are MANY others, the same for the Stargate Sites, these are just the main ones. Trinity Gates 1 Malibu beach, Malibu California 2 Belize City, Belize, Central America 3 Goa ,India (1mile of SE coast) 4 Staten Island, NYC, New York 5 SE Tuscany, 7 Miles of Castaglione, Italy) 6 Fiji , South Pacific Ocean 7 Andaman Sea (7miles W of coast Tavoy) 8 Auckland City, North Island, N-Zealand 9 Lake Superior, Canada (2miles of coast Thunder Bay) 10 Hatshepsut Temple, Egypt 11 Epsom Downs, Surrey United Kingdom 12 Cork, Ireland Trinity Hub Gate is in Cornwall, Uk, can be a connector portal for all other Trinity Gates and is also a Mother Arc Gate... Remainder of post below

Platinum Crystal and Sundisk Network Crystal bed networks being activated through Easter Island to link with the crystalline energies that are connected to the Sun Disc vortices in Minas Gerais, Brazil; Lake Titicaca, Bolivia; Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland; Giza, Egypt and Uluru, Australia.[1] Cathedral Activation of Azura Portal When the Rosslyn Chapel 6D portal and Chartres Cathedral 7D portal unified an activation of the holographic Emerald Founder Records occurred when an Azura Point for the Cosmic Emerald Crystal Heart birthed into the Spine of Albion and aligned with the Solar Rod of Ezekiel, making corrections to the positions held within the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons. The Spine of Albion wing activation opened into the Kantarian Dragon portal system from within the Azura portal, opening into 8D and beyond, further igniting the solar ouroboros lines of Maji Grail Kings throughout Earth, Tara and Gaia. This grid activation in the Albion began an opalescent krystal river flowing golden white fire plasma platonic solids for re-encrypting the planetary elementals and supporting corrections to the planetary rod horizontal Ley Lines to purge AI machinery.[3] Focus for Blue Ray and Melchizedek Logos Healing The Melchizedek Logos shield and Universal Rod and Staff body parts began to reassemble into crystalline light symbol codes for Maharaji Blue Human and Blue Ray Melchizedek flame body initiations throughout the 12D and 6D stargate systems; Sacred Blue Cow in India, Xian, China, Kauai, Hawaii, Monsegur, France, Cornwall, United Kingdom, Machu Picchu, Peru, Uluru, Australia and the Caucasus Mountains. These are genetic key coded stargates and grids for supporting the majority of the Indigo population to spiritually heal their blue ray coding, when they directly connect to their progenitor-parent in the Melchizedek Maharaji solar blue rainbow frequencies. The Maharaji lineage are the ascended master family lines that were forced underground as the result of the spiritual war described in some of the ancient Sanskrit texts, in which they became the primary Guardian caretakers of the Crystal temples from the Inner Earth." I 'see you' in the field! Thanks so much for being part of helping make the magic happen! Waves of Love, Ramona πŸ’™