vrijdag 22 juli 2022


SOLAR TSUNAMI AND CME: An explosion on the sun during the early hours of July 21st created a solar tsunami wave and hurled a CME toward Earth. The CME's arrival on July 23rd could spark minor to moderate geomagnetic storms with auroras at high latitudes.

Solar Tsunami energy acts much like any cosmic shock wave event: -its an overall wake up call, and brings in huge shifts in consciousness. In psycho-spiritual terms a Galactic Shock Wave event such as this one creates a tsunami of energy that impacts our left rational and right emotional brain. It slams together thought processes like a universal shove that brings great collective illumination , it also creates great fatigue, sleep disturbance and "monkey mind" as we receive a HUGE input of new evolutionary coding.

It is best to let it carry you with it instead of trying to brace against the change in your thought process. The sun represents our Divine Masculine and with the Sirian Star influences this month we are taking a quantum leap forward in healing our wounded masculine.

You may be challenging everything, rethinking things, resisting moving ahead at a fast pace/needing to slow down, setting firmer boundaries around the use of your time and feeling that you need to head in a new direction but not quite sure how. Give it time for the cosmic dust to settle and you will see a whole new perspective that will bring in more balance, peace and inner empowerment.

Photo : tedslittledream