woensdag 6 juli 2022



We had an 1 M-class Solar Flare and several C-class flares over the past 24 hours with the sun's activity rising again to a C-class baseline. This is continuing to pound us with powerful Solar Activations, Cosmic and Gramma Rays, along with the Diamond White Flame Activations and WHITE-OUT that continues, and surrounding ALL now as.. THE FINAL QUANTUM LEAP, COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS RESET & PURIFICATION REACHES IT'S CLIMAX & COMPLETION! I feel wiped again today, the body is super tired and achy as if every bone in my body hurts and is being crystallised, which it is, as the Clearings, Integration and Upgrades continue to help us break out of our cocoon, and as I received as a message, we are being prepared us for the final switch over between the old and New Grid System, along with our Diamond Avatar Self taking full flight and igniting. ALL OF US is to be surrendered to Source right now, if we want to become ONE WITH ALL!!

As many know, and as I mentioned in my last video update 'NOW WE TAKE THE ARTIFICIAL SIMULATION OFFLINE!', CERN is celebrating the ten year anniversary (4 July '12) of discovery the the Hicks Boson, the God particle. They call it THE BIG BANG DAY! Now, we have to re-member that all of this is literally us imagining and dreaming Reality into being, non of it is real, as in ITS ALL A PROJECTION and co-creation of The One Mind! So don't take everything so siriusly πŸ˜‰, it's high time out of time for us to have more fun with our co-creations! Try and see ALL symbolically and more abstract, like when you read signs and receive messages from the Divine. YOU HAVE TO SEE THE MOVIE PLAYING OUT! That it's not real, it's a Holographic simulation. It's literally ALL in our Minds and then gets PROJECTED out, that's where we also get to change it and re-claim all of our power again! It's the only way how we dissolve it, by re-membering it's not real, just like 'THERE IS NO SPOON' in The Matrix, because it's imagined, all energy and projected Consciousness that we get to reform! Same for our own body and identity, all Energy, Frequency and Vibration, all Source experiencing itself in its many unique fractals. As we change the way we perceive Reality and what is actually playing out, our Realities shift for us, and never more so than right now as we FULLY RE-MEMBER again OUR TRUE SELF, ORIGINAL INNOCENCE, ORIGINS & HISTORY AGAIN! AS THE TRUTH THAT IS EVERLASTING AND CAN NOT BE QUESTIONED, ARISES FROM DEEP WITHIN & all around us! There truly is no-thing to be conCERNed about, besides our own wild imagination, once we understand we have all co-created this as One and this is also how we dissolve it ALL! But for this we first have to take full responsibility and accountability for our Realities and then shift then from deep within, as we heal all those remaining wounds and traumas now. To not fall for the illusions anymore and see through and change them, PROJECTING ALL NEW WORLDS ONTO the hologram! It's literally ALL projected out by us and our minds and the programs/ beliefs of the past, the artificial algorithms of the Fallen Timelines and Realities. We have to COLLAPSE IT ALL! ALL the stories, plots, conspiracy, EVERYTHING and replace it with Organic Realities now! Of what we want to see, not what we don't! ALL FROM THE INSIDE OUT, as all all-ways starts within, in our Hearts and Minds, so that's where we get to change it all, by aligning with the Cosmic Super Consciousness Intelligence field, the Godhead, releasing the past, our false, artificial Self and old perceptions as a new level of understanding dawns. Where the One Consciousness is truly unified and reconciled, in full alignment with the Law of One. Right NOW we got to COLLAPSE ALL FALSE MATRIX REALITIES BY REALISING NONE OF IT IS REAL!! It's a simulation, a PROJECTION, all imagined & ALL-WAYS CO-CREATED BY THE ONE. Which we are all part of, so we all get to be part of making the magic and needed changes happen by going right 'back to the beginning' when we fell in Consciousness, and got highjacked in the quantum dream to correct it all! As the Consciousness shifts our Realities do too, from distorted Polarity and false projections based in victim-victimizer consciousness, to those based in Love, Unity and Peace. And as we know that is all first accessed and cultivated from within, as well as this Divine Cosmic Re-Union and Healing Dispensation giving us all the assistance we need, along with all of Creation being part of and watching our sacred Transformation and unfoldments talking place, as they are us and we are them. No one above or below any other, as we UNIFY AS ONE COSMIC TRIBE AGAIN! All wars come to an end, all scarcity, suffering, pain and death a distant dream. Allow the Love of the Divine Mother to wash you clean and clear of all that was. As we return to her womb for our final re-birth and that of Earth. Our return to our Original Innocence as we remember again the true nature of ALL things. AtONE with SOURCE and ALL THAT IS! That's the new Trinity-Wave and Diamond Grid energy current, the new Kryst/ Christ/ Cosmic Consciousness field that we are here to embody and then radiate out to ALL as the new broadcasting system. Activating the Edenic keys and Codes held within our sacred DNA and Crystal Heart, we now radiate out the purest of holograms. All a reflection of our own healed and unified Diamond Hearts and Minds, bodies and morphogenetic field, now being fully rehabilitated and transforming from its old carbon based, to its original Crystalline form. The Grids are gleaming in their most beautiful Diamond White and Golden Rainbow iridescent opalescent plasma light, as ALL remaining distortions, reversals, lower DNA codings, toxins, negative entities and aliens, parasites, interference patterns, AI materials and inorganic creations, ALL FALSE & ARTIFICIAL MATRIX REALITIES ARE NOW FULLY DISSOLVING, in this most powerful sea of Divine Love, Pure Source Light, Codes and the light of the Diamond White Flame of Purification and Ascension, until our FULL LIBERATION SHALL BE KNOWN BY ALL! Re-member that no-thing lies outside of you, all projected out from within, and that's how we take all of our power back! In full SURRENDER TO SOURCE and the Divine Plan, we LET GO & LET GOD show us the way and the Miracles about to unfold. Our job is to BEcome atONE WITH ALL OF LIFE, as from this place we know ourselves as ONE with Source, where all conspires and aligns FOR us effortlessly now. Our paths have been cleared and ALL NEW BEGINNINGS & ORGANIC REALITIES beckon! Thoughts (create) matter, and your focus and attention is your currency, so use it wisely! As we keep co-creating the future in every now moment, through our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, projections, words and actions. So use them wisely! KEEP SEEing & RE-MEMBERING ALL IN THEIR ORIGINAL INNOCENCE, including yourself?! AWAKEN THE KEYS & CODES OF EDEN FROM DEEP WITHIN, to before the Fall in Consciousness but with the lessons learned, 'back to the future' where we belong. Our Collective RE-MEMBERANCE is arising from deep within us all now! NO-THING LIES OUTSIDE OF YOU/ us!! So keep asking all from yourself, as ONE WITH ALL, with Source, the elements, the trees, the sky and every animal and being across the Galaxy and Omniverse.. At One with the Cosmic Quantum field, where all is accessed, dissolved and created by The One. Where there's no-thing to fear but our own wild imagination and unacknowledged shadows, and us fallen asleep behind the steering wheel again, and even that, no longer worries us, because we remember it's all a dream, there's no end and no beginning, no death, no-thing ever lost or can be held onto, as all is always in flux, forever changing, expanding and contracting, as well as the unchangeable essence of The truly Real can all-ways be timelessly accessed through the Zero Point Field. As we trance-end our last fears by looking at them straight, we find it was all an illusion, false evidence appearing real. As we feel safe in the armour of God's Love and in Divine Union with ALL, all illusions of this false world dissolve, collapse and shatter fully now, revealing the Truth behind the curtain as it lifts. The false mirror in the sky and dome dissolve as we remember it was all imagined, we stop the false projections, which also flips the switch and poles, the skies break open, Miracles are witnessed and dreams come true.. As the Divine Love Tsunami now washes off us, ALL of the illusions, separation and final remnants of the old... Eternal Love & Blessings, Ramona πŸ’™