woensdag 6 juli 2022



I'm seeing Lightworkers, Grid and Gatekeepers holding and UNIFYing the Collective field AS ONE within the ZERO POINT FIELD, with more and more of us consciously becoming aware of this beautiful telepathic communication network and connection. WE ARE RE-BIRTHING THE SINGULARITY and the NEW ASCENSION EARTH/ DIAMOND/ UNITY GRID - NOW! ALL THROUGH OUR SACRED KRYSTAL HEARTS! Thats our way 'back home' to Source, that we always hold and carry around within us! Our Cosmic Re-Union, RE-BIRTH and Reset is reaching its FULL completion! Can you FEEL and SEE BEYOND, of what is unfolding behind the holographic screen? This MASSIVE SIRIUS & SOURCE STARGATE PORTAL IS THE LOVE TSUNAMI, PURIFYING and dimensionally up-shifting ALL - NOW!

Most powerful Crystalline, DNA, Merkaba and Diamond Rainbow Lightbody Activations continue to turn our mushy cocoons into a beautiful butterfly, ready to rise higher than ever before. As this happens, some of us are being almost as if put asleep, feelings of extreme tiredness and a deep need to rest, overall body aches along with many other symptoms such as increase in sounds and DMT being released, have many of us feeling like we're tripping and definitely shifting in between world's! All allowing our bodies to transform from its carbon to Crystalline liquid light state.

I am literally feeling as if I'm de-materializing, along with very interesting new sensations moving up throughout my whole body from my feet upwards. That's exactly what is happening as part of this Cosmic rebirth, of which we are the birth mother's and midwife's, and if we wish to levitate, teleport and bi-locate together with our whole morphogenetic field.

I believe many of us can feel the immensity of the energies and what's unfolding. It seems like a last thug of war between the opposing energies and forces in the Cosmos and this world, but at a higher level I perceive it as a final clearing of distorted and inverted thought forms and beliefs, a tug of war within the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, about what's the better way, resolving its own psychosis, confusion, division, fragmentation and split.

A lot of Collective fears are arising especially around the unknown, the shadow world, it's also obviously connected to the whole CERN thing and the Stranger Thing's part of the movie has definitely shed some light onto what these things can cause. Truly all part of us clearing the connected fallen Timelines and memories from our field, so the trauma can be healed, so there's no need to repeat. The Artificial Ego Selfs struggling with this shift, is wearing itself out through any remaining plotting, narratives, victim-victimizer storylines and theories being played out in their own minds and reality screens, to be fully resolved and finally fully collapsed, for the higher Consciousness and Self to take over the steering wheel.

So what I'm being shown is us re-membering that non of this is to be feared, that our focus and intend are everything. To take back control of our Realities through really focusing in on our Conscious/ness intend, projections and beliefs, all we are co-creating with our with every word, thought and action we may take. To keep adjusting our Frequency and focused on our vision's and dreams, yet fully detached from any specific outcomes, indetifyers or subjects within the quantum field! That if we are afraid we will project monsters onto the screen. We are now using these potent energies run throughout the Planetary Grids, Solar energies, Cosmic and Plasma Rays, and Pure Source light, keys and codes from this MASSIVE Sirius and Source Portal, to take this artificial part of the simulation offline, to dissolve it within our own minds. That's where all springs forth from and collapses back into again, within the Zero Point Field of Divine Neutrality and Pure Source Love.

The whole Planet is being flushed by Diamond White, Blue, Aqua Blue and iridescent opalescent Rainbow Plasma light. The Cosmic Mother is assisting this Final Purification and re-birth of ALL of her children, through the most powerful outpouring of Divine Love from the Divine, HEALING ALL remaining distortions, reversals, fragmentation, sickness and inversions within The One Consciousness.

As part of these powerful Diamond Grid, DNA and Crystalline Activations I am being shown how the Krystal Cathedral Network, which holds the Blueprint for the new Crystal Cities, is arising, awakening and igniting along with the hidden and known pyramids, above and within the Earth.

'The Krystal Cathedral architecture for building Golden Cities is based on the microcosm to macrocosm reflection of the divine structure to house the body of God..The Krystal Cathedral is the Inner Christos Diamond Sun angelic human Lightbody that is built by the spiritually dedicated to house the liquid plasma light of God. For the Inner Christos to embody in matter, the inner dwelling must be cultivated to house our highest consciousness in order to exist in oneness with the Godhead. To experience our inner divinity, we must build the inner temple of our physical body to reflect the divine presence of the Krystal Cathedral, a body temple built for serving God and the divine plan.

This new architectural eternal life foundation is also being built in the Universal macrocosm as the result of the Indigo Blue Ray ascension wave brain activation through the Eternal Eye of God. This particular blue ray activation is being referenced by the Guardians as the Krystal Cathedral transmission' ~ Source: Ascension Glossary

We are receiving so much help right now from our Cosmic family, which are part of our Higher Identities, it is truly a very special moment to behold in this monumental and epic time outside of time, and truly focus on what we want to see and experience, and not that which we don't.

THIS IS IT Beautiful Souls!! Our Ascension is happening and here now! No-thing to hold onto! Only to be fully surrendered to the Source within. No longer holding onto any of the old stories that kept recreating the same things over and over again, based in separation, scarcity, competition, jealousy and division. Now we remember again our own Original Innocence and that of all those others, re-membering OUR TRUE SELF as ONE, as we finally see clearly again. Focusing on that which unites, and brings us together, not that which divides and separates.

So let us dissolve into this sea of Divine Love, the ONEness that we are, and let the Tsunami wash away all that we are not. Dissolving back into the RE-MEMBERANCE OF OUR SINGULARITY, that which we have always been. Leaving behind the stories of good versus evil, to trance-end and DISSOLVE IT ALL!!


Eternal Love & Blessings, Ramona πŸ’™