donderdag 21 juli 2022

Magnetic Core, Field and Consciousness Reset comes to completion ~ Ramona Lappin

Magnetic Core, Field and Consciousness Reset comes to completion

A massive amount of downloads, light codes and Diamond White Plasma Waves from the Threefold Founder Flame, God Source and Super Consciousness field, are flowing through the upgraded and fully activating inter-dimensional Stargate System. We are being flooded with Pure Source Light! The cracks in the magnetic shield we have been experiencing a lot more of this past week, are allowing higher dimensional Consciousness light, Frequencies, Cosmic Rays and plasmas from the God World's to flow into the planet, unhindered. This is literally what is finally igniting, and enabling us to fully re-member our One True Self now!

We had another powerful Schuhmann Resonance blast, during which I could also feel the magnetic core shift and reset coming to further completion. We also had a big solar filament eruption but away from Earth, although the C-class Solar Flares are picking up again too. We have a big coronal hole facing Earth and about to give us a blast of geomagnetic storm conditions. Solar winds allow protons and electrons to mix with the earth's atmosphere, which supports the shifting of the carbon atom composition and Transformation from carbon to crystalline.

The new 13D magnetic Grid is being fully readied to take over from the old artificial Matrix Grid, any moment now. We have the most beautiful Crystalline structures, cities and pyramids awakening within and throughout the Planet. Inner Earth is also ready to be re-membered through us now. Many of us can feel the excitement as well as nervousness to what exactly lies ahead, as all we truly know is that IT IS BIG and the old artificial Matrix simulation is about to go fully offline!!


I could feel earlier on again as this latest spike in the Schuhmann Resonance was happening, powerful magnetic shifts unfolding at the same time, a spacey wobbly feeling is the best way to describe it. As the magnetic field, core and Consciousness Reset comes to completion, and because the magnetic field is/ holds our Consciousness Blueprint/ Logos, it can also cause a lot of fluctuations to our own moods, Consciousness and electromagnetic field.

I've had several people reporting that they feel light and floaty, which is a great sign as that's where we're going, as the artificially induced gravitational pull is also connected to the planetary core and pole shift, as well as the atomic carbon composition and shift in density. Also made possible through us having disconnected from the Moon Matrix and its pull and influence on the gravitational field of Earth.

These massive amount of light codes and downloads flowing in, it's like an overflow of information and super high frequency light that can make us feel super tired, very stimulated, as well as tired and wired. There's no right or wrong, each moment and day are different. I've been meaning to put another video together but so far it's been a no can do as the waves just keep coming. If it's meant to be, it will happen, just like everything else. JUST BEing with these energies to allow for optimal Integration is our priority right now as all else comes from here.

Listen to when your body requires rest, no matter how much. We really can't get this wrong as failure isn't possible for The One, as Source is all-ways self correcting. The more we can relax and remember this and that everything always happens the way it's suppose to, that it couldn't have been any other way, the easier and quicker this really all can unfold. It's a major Paradigm Shift from a fear based and controlled way of living, to One living in complete Trust, Harmony and Union with the Cosmic energies, where we allow all to unfold and thoughts, emotions and energies to just flow through us, without attachments. The good and the bad.

These energies are calling us to let go of our little monkey minds and any attachments to the old artificial Matrix Realities we may still hold, that tries to control and figure it all out. The One that is living in almost constant fear, worry, attachment to outcome and high expectations of self and others. We are to LET IT ALL GO, all that has been, all that might have been, and all that never will be. All that is. Who we believe ourselves to be, to know or have.


No-thing to hold onto! Hence the underlying melancholy. THIS IS IT! The end of the old world and the beginning of a totally new Organic Ascension Reality and Creatrix Field! Because we're going further, are rising higher, and are going to do greater things than anyOne has ever done before.

These super high Pure Source Light Codes, Plasma Waves, photonic light, gamna and other Cosmic Rays, that help clear and upgrade our vessels, and are supporting our ascend into the higher dimensional Frequency bandwidths, can make us feel very tired, achy, cranky and exhausted. Holding a high frequency doesn't mean we are always happy and in a good mood. Far from it, although of course that can also be the case, but it's not what it necessarily means.

It's holding a high level of Consciousness at all times, to not drop into forgetfulness and become unconscious, when things get though. It's us having retrieved and merged with our Multidimensional aspects/ Selfs, activated our DNA and are aligned in our highest Truth at all times. It's about a PURITY OF FREQUENCY and holding that, no matter what goes on within or around us. I have been experiencing waves of anxiousness, excitement, bliss, love, depression, tension, elevated states of consciousness, happiness, as well as really tired to total exhaustion. All held within the Zero Point Field z which doesn't mean we don't feel anything!! It means we don't let it overpower us, we have to practice great mental and emotional strength, discipline and maturity. All part of our Embodiment and standing on or mastery.

Body aches and pains especially around neck and lower back areas, nausea, light headedness, headaches, head pressure, heart expansions can feel like pressure or pain around the Heart or even as if we are having a Heart attack, high pitched sounds in ears, feeling hungry/ not hungry at all, again, anything goes. It's like we're in a pressure cooker and receiving energies from all sides, which we are, from the Earth's Core as well as through Solaris. I felt super shaky earlier on with my hands trembling and feeling very weak and tired.

Powerful Crystalline, DNA and Lightbody Activations are coming through, also as part of the 'AWAKEN YOUR INNER DRAGON' Activation that I'm facilitating for this Friday the 22nd, and have already been busy with, and that is already unfolding and active in the field. Wednesday we had another round of Activations of the new 72 strands of Triple Helix DNA, improved carbon atomic (666) composition to 13 protons, 12 electrons and 13 neutrons, and new Triple Diamond Sun Body (of the Indigo type 4), taking place.

This is also affecting the level of Dimensional Frequency light that are now starting to flow through the Planetary Stargate System as enough of us are ready and picking up on these new Codes and DNA Activations becoming available now.

Powerful Crystalline Diamond Heart and Mind openings continue to build and intensify wave by wave, blowing our One Higher Heart-Mind wide open, as well as a big opening of our pineal gland being underway.

We are going beyond words, beyond time, space, gravity and all illusions of separation!.
We're going through a total diss-illusions of any separation energies still held within our bodies. Where we need to let go of any remaining polarised beliefs that are held in our Consciousness body, so we can fully DISSOLVE, MERGE & RE-BIRTH INTO THE ONENESS.

Dissolve into the no-thingness and all-ness that you are and all is.
Empty yourself and let the Holy Spirit full-fill you.

Let God Source show you what is REAL, in the silence, the Truth that arises from deep within all of us now, and cannot be questioned, nor put into words...

Eternal Love & Blessings,
Ramona πŸ’™
See below in comments for more details on how to join the 'AWAKEN YOUR INNER DRAGON' Activation this Friday on the 22nd of July as well as in quantum NO-TIME!
Picture/ Graph Source: