maandag 18 juli 2022



These energies are no joke! What an EPIC WEEK it has been on many levels, not all of them enjoyable. To me it's been a mix of bliss with 'get me the f### out of this hell hole' kinda thing. I know it's all about to happen but I also can't bare this Reality any longer, as well as it's all just perfect. It's very clearly a bothand LOL! We have been digging deep for our FINAL REVELATION & DISCLOSURE which is mostly an inside out job! The only way out is indeed in! Especially as we are breaking out of the artificial Matrix that has been created by a mind disconnected from their Heart, Soul and Source. Whatever hasn't been faced about the self and any lingering victim-victimizer storylines still playing out, anything that has been suppressed, has to come up and out to be faced now, one way or another. There's no escape. These energies are bringing everything to light! To me it feels mostly like a melancholic good bye to all of my lifetimes. It's like the longest labour anyone can endure without dying, that's what this feels like. I know it's DONE and any moment now everything is going to change forever, but simultaneously, in order to get there we have to just FEEL IT ALL. The anger, sadness, grief, loss, heartbreak, shame, guilt, resentments etc. Again and again until it's all up and out and purged for good! All so it can be purged at a deep cellular level, sometimes tears are the carrier's of deep relief.

The most important thing it to not resist any of it and keep going deeper and deeper within to resolve it ALL. There's just no way around it now, no more forgetting, suppressing or pretending everything is fine when it's not. Keep flowing with all that arises and don't attach to any of it. The feelings and thoughts aren't yours, hist let them go. Surrender to the silence in which God speaks to, as and through us. That's when we can hear and see clearly, as we trance-end the ego based hologram and artificially manipulated simulation, magnetic and gravitational field. All inter-connected with the Consciousness we hold. As this shifts, ALL SHIFTS, and it is truly all-ready happening now, which I believe most of us would agree with. So many people like me have been giving so much to this whole Ascension process with little support, having sacrificed normal comforts, even being with those we love, in order to full-fill our mission, as we couldn't see another way. But it's more than this, to me, the hardest part is that we had to do it with so many trying to hinder us, attack us, project their unacknowledged shadows at us, especially those closest to us, people laughing at or attacking us, basically making it way harder than it had to be, making us feel like we want to hide away, finding it hard to trust and open up again. That's not even taking into account the many negative energy attacks, negative entities and energy weapons. And yes, this too is all part of it but it also has just been super hard and that has to and wants to be felt to be released, so we can move on, because we have been holding onto all this pain for so long in order to hold it together. Just know this is the last release before the massive relief comes flooding in. Because we have to make space for this new level of light to flood every one of our cells and atoms. I'll share more details soon. I had to take it easy just like many other have been called to do. Grid and Gatework takes a lot of energy and focus, when this is part of our mission. Not to mention the inner Sacred Transformation that is taking place and we have been receiving massive DNA and Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody Upgrades, as previously shared. This weekend has been super extra intense, and especially since the 14th there have been many EPIC shifts on the Grids taking place as I shared, as well as many powerful M-class Solar Flares and CME's, with a couple of massive solar filaments erupting and possibly more to come, Solar Winds, total drops in solar wind density and pressure at some points, as well as powerful daily Schuhmann Resonance spikes. All supporting this completion of the Reset of the One Consciousness from distorted Polarity to Unity/ Cosmic Consciousness. With today's/ Sundays Activations we now have the 13th Dimensional Lemurian Diamond Grid, inter-dimensional Stargate & Planetary Grid System and Arc Sites fully re-claimed and activated and all is ready to rock and roll!! It's still the case of any moment now, EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE FOREVER! All will be known, what everybody did, as well as our hard work. All we have to do is keep being patient and nurturing our-selfs through this process, keep lighting up the Grids within and without, and keep merging with your One True Self, Source and ALL! Whilst we keep holding the vision, keep holding the Frequency, keep LIGHTing IT UP and EXPECTing MIRACLES!! For those with eyes to see beyond the illusions of this Matrix and are busy making the magic and shift happen, know that all is well and that the shift is about to become very real and visible to everyOne, imminently so. For those still complaining that no-thing is happening, I would ask 'what are you doing to help making it happen?' Are you just waiting or actually actively helping make it happen? Because anyone who is busy making it happen, knows that the tables have turned and it's just a question of how and when exactly everybody will see and know this too. As I have shared, some of us have been called to pull back also energetically we had to, to allow for this powerful and sacred Transformation to take place. I have had no internet for my laptop since the 12th, just my phone data, as the WiFi provider has to change a cable outside on the street, that should be fixed by end of day tomorrow. But it also was just another confirmation to just take it easy and look after myself. I had a tooth that was already giving me trouble crack on my birthday also lol and another one now also needs attention, so now I have a dentist appointment booked for the 22nd of all days, Magdalene's Feast Day. For which I will be facilitating a Remote Quantum Healing Activation, especially focusing on support for the Blue Rays and those that connect with the Magdalene's, Daughter's of Christ, Rose and Graillines, Eieyani-Essene Graillines, Melchizedek priesthood, Original Mother lines, Sirius and Andromenda. I am being guided to facilitate a Remote Healing Quantum Activation for this day, in support of the Blue Ray and Maji Graillines at this time, in helping us re-claim fully our true history records and memories of the Paradisian/ Edenic Realities that we hold within our DNA, as well as our Cosmic Origins. This is also very deeply connected to my own incarnations into the Daughters of Christ/ Aquaelle Bloodlines, the Rose and Graillines, Cathar and Eieyani-Essene Graillines and Priesthood, and many others throughout the ages, having kept safe the Original Teachings of Jeshua and Mary held within my DNA Blueprint, but truly it goes beyond what has been taught because we are accessing Cosmic Consciousness now, as we become atONE with the Godhead. We are holding the Holy Grail Codes of the Holy Trinity, the Androgenous HUman and Cosmic Blueprint within our DNA. Those Divine Feminine's of us that connect deeply to the Lemurian Timeline and holocaust, hold the Original Divine Source Codes of the Cosmic Mother, of the Planetary Templar/ Templates and Blueprints of the Perfect Proton Seed/ Cosmic Egg, Cosmic Seed Atom, and Cosmic Quantum Tree of Life. This is also why we have been so heavily attacked and hunted down over the aeon's. The Original Twinflames are also a big part of this story, as I have mentioned in some of my previous videos. We hold the Codes for the Organic Cosmic Ascension and rehabilitation Template for ALL races, which is fully activating now with the Full Diamond Avatar Blueprint and us fully embodying this. What is coming through is the full return of our Multidimensional memories through the Activations and re-clamation of our New Divine Blueprints. The Diamond Avatar Blueprint holds 72 strands of Triple Helix DNA, as part of the Divine Template of the 144 plus 3 as ONE. The 3 as ONE relates to the Original Trinity Core Source Codes, just as there are 12 Tribes plus/ as ONE. The 13th was/ is the Source, the Mother Frequency, the Three that become One. the Father, Mother and Child as One. It represents the Original Source Codes that were 'missing', it's like the 13th signet or 13th (13th-15th) strand of DNA and pre-matter field and realms that are now becoming manifest. This enables those with previous 48strand Template to Upgrade and embodying their Rishi/ Elohei-Elohim/ Ascended Master/ Guardian Identity but it really goes further than that, as we are now directly connected back to The Godhead and this is embodying a whole new Cosmic Consciousness that wasn't available before. So we are going beyond Avatar Consciousness Embodiment. As if we were literally God Source embodied as a Divine HUman. It means Eternal Life and full Multidimensional access. The Rishi level so far has been that of the pre-matter realms, so non manifest. Through the Return of The Cosmic Mother and Original Blue Ray, the Divine Blueprint of ALL races that choose the Law of One, is receiving rehabilitation with ability to activate their base 12-15D Blueprints, which also gives them further full access to additional DNA coding expansions as the races Consciousness progress. But we are all cosmically re-connecting to Eternal God Source back flow return/ perpetual energy flows and Original Divine Blueprints plus Upgrades. EveryOne part of the new Organic Cosmic telepathic communication network, through the Emerald Heart Grid Network. Remainder of post below


Today, Sunday, we had the most powerful Diamond Grid Activations take place again with the Irish, English and French Grids with link in to Kauai, Hawaii highlighted, as part of the 11th and 12th Stargate System repair, re-clamation and re-activation which is going amazing as we activated the Great White Lion, White Dove, Four Pillars of Man, and all other Grids, as part of this full re-clamation! Also highlighted were Lake Titicaca, Machu Picchu, Giza, Stonehenge, Hill of Tara, Serasota, Jerusalem and the Unholy Trinity of the three Obelisks in the Vatican, London and Washington, along with many more. It's really us having fully merged with the Timeline to before the Fall on Consciousness, before the Lemurian holocaust and Lyran Stargate fell. We're going back to the start, back to the future where we should be on. As if it never happened but with the lessons learned. A fresh new start because now we know better!! We had to make these experiences to learn what we didn't know before. We have the most beautiful Diamond Rainbow Platinum White and liquid Golden plasma light coming from Source, and Blue Ray Activations coming from the Planetary Core. I was shown a blue cross with the planetary Core as it's Center. This is also assisting the Return of The Original Blue Ray, Daughter's of Christ/ Aquaelle, Magdalene's, Graillines, Roselines and the Activations that have already started, also as part of this Singularity / ONEness / Twinflame Gateway that has now opened up. The Collective Debt Forgiveness process completed and finalised on the 15th at a Cosmic Guardian level, ordained by the Family of Ra from the Rah God World's, as more and more now come to he conclusion that it has been us all along. Leaving the old victim-victimizer storylines behind as all the old inverted programmming/ belief systems and thought forms are being deleted along with our memories and false akash. We are coming to the conclusion that there isn't anyone to blame, only responsibility and accountability to be given and taken. Which is what SETs US ALL FREE!! But only when we forgive and truly understand why everything had to be the way it was, can we be truly free and liberated. Because forgiving others is forgiving ourselves and vise versa. It's our Abundance directly connected with this and coming online any moment now, as this happens within each ONE. As I have said, the conflict within the One Consciousness is also leading us back to the original divide between the Original Founders and Founder Races, also part of the Threefold Founder Flame and Rays. So at pre-matter field level. As above so below. This is now completing and fully merging with all levels of our Identities, as ONE, along with ALL Timelines, Realities, Dimensions and Universes. No more bleed throughs! The Wall/ Rip in Time has finally been healed! I will share more of what has been unfolding tomorrow, as well as an invite to the Blue Ray, Magdalene's, Rose and Grailline Activation. I haven't been able to put it together on Facebook just yet but will do so tomorrow so keep your eye out for a invite if you're interested in taking part. It will be at 10pm UK time, on Friday the 22nd of July. Keep remembering that your Imagination is your Superpower, so keep using it wisely and super consciously, as we keep co-creating our Realities and keep making the magic happen, with our every word, thought, feeling, belief and action we take in every now moment! The more power we hold the more responsibility we carry! Merge with, and align all of yourself with your Eternal One True Diamond Avatar and God Source Self, and let go of all that you are not. Keep seeing through the illusions of the false Matrix overlays to make them dissolve! Re-member that it is all a PROJECTION and no-thing is as it seems, nor as solid as it looks. Make life your walking meditation as we walk in the lucid dream, where DREAMS BECOME REALity and reality becomes a dream. Eternal Love & Blessings, Ramona πŸ’™ Also see below in the comments for more information and navigational tips to support you on your journey, including links to my YouTube and SoundCloud channel, as well as an opportunity to support all I share, me and my work, through a gift donation. Also see for more information on: