vrijdag 22 juli 2022

Energy Update ~ Elisa

I share what was divinely shown to me
Take what resonates highest to you, let go of the rest.

The immensity with which the Divine works is difficult for those who rely on low frequency religion and science to understand.
When I say that EVERYTHING is under the control of Divine Source, it means that everything has passed through the Divine before taking its place in existence. Because what must exist is his will.

Because duality, remember is purely low dimension ... There is no bad and good, there is no beautiful and ugly, right and wrong ...
Just as I have been shown that among all the 144 thousand angels there are also angels with more rebellious intentions, or speaking in 3D "evil intentions", these too have been chosen by the Divine.

There is no "master of evil" ... Precisely because cosmically he does not exist.
Everything is Divinely created to help us raise our Consciousness. Nothing can take away from us nothing of all that we are, everything serves to make us resonate at the highest frequency.

Here then we join the "ONE".
Because we become ALL uniformly of the same creation
Here is that the Deep Faith takes all of us, the Faith for the Divine that is Source and for the same faith in the Divine that We Are Incarnate and Infinite
It is all perfectly Divinely Aligned

So we are ... We take care of carrying the direct message, because the Light cannot be channeled
we bring the most intrinsic Justice of the absolute Truth, we bring healing in all circumstances, we are at the constant service of the Divine. This is my mission
This we are

Angels Thrones
3 Circle of 9 Angelic Circles