woensdag 27 juli 2022


The AI net, magnetosphere and ozone layer are being totally neutralised and dissolved right now through the Diamond White Flame of Purification and Ascension, Aqua and Mother's Blue Ray. As we return to our organic and Mother's Supermagnetism, ready to fully switch on the 13th Dimensional Diamond Grid System, a deep cellular and DNA rewrite is taking place, completing the Reset of our Blueprints and The One Consciousness.

I can literally feel this taking place within and through my Heart, field and Consciousness these past few days, but especially since the 25th. the energies continue to build up to the grand finale and crescendo. I was shown to pay attention to the 24-27th and I know this usually means an intensity of energies and powerful clearings and activations taking place. This time I feel this is really our Final Breakthrough happening from within, and through the deep inner Transformation taking place for the Forerunners and Wayshowers at this time.
It is also very much connected to the Cosmic Mother re-claiming all of herself and her fully rising as The Cosmic Mother of Dragons, as she awakens all the other Dragons and Maji Grail Queen's and King's, from their deep slumber and forgetfulness. When we speak of these Archetypes it is important to understand that we hold all these as different aspects of our higher spiritual Identities, within each of us. Just some resonate more deeply than others. This is really about us re-claiming ALL of our ancient future Self, our true memories and history records, as these hold our Original Divine Blueprints and Source Codes, plus the Upgrades we have made through our experiences and journey of our Fall in Consciousness and living in separation and disconnected from Source.

What I see coming next is Cosmic Disclosure, Contact and New Earth Realities!

All happening through the arising of our Multidimensional Selfs and true memories, as we continue to let go of the old and allow the fires to burn all that is false, artificial and inorganic. Keep seeing yourself, as I was shown the participants of the AWAKEN YOUR INNER DRAGON' Activation, in a beautiful, iridescent, Diamond White Platinum and Golden Rainbow Plasma Bubble. See the Diamond White light dissolving any and all remaining density, miasma, any remaining cords, hooks, attachments, implants, tags, membranes, anything that is false, artificial and inorganic. It's ALL being dissolved now!

The magnetosphere is undergoing massive shifts, is weakened and about to collapse fully, and had another shock and rapture overnight. We gave it another massive blast yesterday (25th). Amazing work y'all!! As I was finishing the 'AWAKEN YOUR INNER DRAGON' Remote Activation for the Group and closing the field, we gave it a really powerful last blast and I could literally feel the shift happening, that was around 11-12pm UK time. As if we broke through a barrier which is now allowing much easier dismantling and dissolution of the artificial magnetic field! With these shifts taking place you may be feeling off balance, as if drunk or falling sideways, wobbly, unsteady, exhausted, many report fly like symptoms which is really your body detoxing, they're also known as Frequency Light Upgrades. Many report headaches from the Galactivations that target our Pineal, High Heart, Crown and Back of the Head, as our Cosmic Headset comes fully online, along with 360 degree crystal clear vision!

We keep riding these crazy Ascension waves of up and down and up and down, whilst we hold the Zero Point Field of Divine Neutrality and Love, in NO-TIME. That's how we collapse all remaining artificial overlays/ false projections. Last round of insecurities coming up to be neutrally observed and released. Confidence in our abilities, gifts and powers, in what we see, feel and KNOW, in our own INTUITION and psychic senses are The Key to our final Victory and true Liberation, because it all starts and comes back to us!! It takes full mastery of our Realities and remembering of what is REALLY true and what is not, to DISSOLVE THE MATRIX ILLUSIONS once and for all!

Those moments when I question EVERYTHING is when I know I am/ we are about to jump BIG!
And I had a very brief but powerful moment of that on the 25th that left me smiling in confirmation of that. I also had been busy all day travelling up to Dublin to pick up my daughter and back again. Doing Grid and Gatework as I did. My backtooth extraction is still causing me pain as it's still enflamed. After finally gathering the courage to look at it today in the mirror, I saw that the root hasn't fully come out. Something the dentist should have definitely picked up on, even after using all of the tools he had one after another to take my broken tooth out piece by piece which was traumatizing enough.

Yet I'm not angry. Really just neutral about it all. It all just is. Still, of course I had a good cry as I was processing the shock and thinking of what it means, although in front of my daughter which I didn't want, but we're in a one bedroom apartment with my mum and a cat, so there's no privacy. Her stepsister is also joining Friday to stay for another ten days. Yay. I don't really want to go back to the dentist, all others are booked up for another 2-4 weeks, and I can only think of surgery to get it fixed, I don't even have the money for at the moment. So Miracles it is and I am tuning into the intelligence of my own body and the shifts taking place. Seeing what is becoming possible now such as growing a new tooth beneath it to push the rest out. No, I'm not kidding. That's definitely where we're headed. I also don't see Medbeds as they have been pushed as part of the artificial Ascension Timeline agenda, but Crystalline Healing Chambers's. Truly New Earth is ALL about ORGANIC TECHNOLOGIES! Nothing inorganic and artificial exists there as it is a reflection of our One Consciousness, as ALL is.

Our bodies truly hold all the most advanced organic, Multidimensional technology we could possibly imagine!! Now it's just a matter of us fully re-membering how to use it to its fullest potential again! So I just kept feeling it ALL, breathing through it, keep collapsing it ALL, all my thoughts, worries, stress, desires, attachment to form and even this body. Just back and forth between just wanting to dissolve into a mess and going totally neutral. It really just is. That allows us to stand strong amidst the adversity and challenges we have to face and strength we do need on this journey.

I had to feel sorry for myself because as my daughter said "It really sucks being you.' and right she is, and I usually just get on with it but this time it had to be fully felt for its final release of the 'poor me', even if, or especially because it is true. It's been beyond tough, all of it. All I want is to be without constant pain, aches and feeling exhausted all the time, it would be nice to feel like we're really living life and have a home, ok maybe a holiday too.

All part of us letting go of all these aeons of misery, torture, rape, oppression and killings. It has to be FELT and ACKNOWLEDGED to be released. As obviously this whole experience, as all others, go way beyond what is playing out here, as we heal ALL of our Multidimensional Selfs and lifetimes right now in this ONE, where ALL culminates and MERGES, UNIFIES & CONVERGES, and this is the core of my core and i share it because I know others feel this too. And the fun part is I know we're there now, it's all about to happen but we can only 'get there' when we have felt and released it ALL, every last bit of it, that which is keeping us from feeling blissful, joyful and healthy. But jeez, I think we've all had enough of the massive amount of shit shifting and the bullies in the boot camp!!

So in between all of the intensity I kept calling forth Miracles and our Full and Final Breakthrough. I kept and keep calling forth and connecting with our Galactic brothers and sisters in alignment with The Law of One. Knowing we are them. Calling forth Galactic Contact and Full Disclosure which is truly arising from within as I talk to and activate my DNA and Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody. All about us being able to fully ignite our Multidimensional DNA and Diamond Avatar Self, which brings our memories and Organic Ascension Realities fully online, any moment now
It's funny how this process never really goes how we think it will. Whenever we have felt there is a breakthrough we were met with another shit storm, thats how Spirit keeps us humble as well as that's how we learn detachment to any outcome or anything at all. As I said, the ego will wear itself out until it's final and FULL SURRENDER and demise to be eaten up and devoured by the ONEness, by Source, and be re-birthed FULLY aNEW! It's just this very deep sense of TRUST, non attachment, faith and believe that God Source has a plan for us ALL, that now remains.

That no matter how hard things seem at times, and that when we fully surrender to that plan and no longer fight it or anything that happens or arises, having surrendered all of our false, separated ego self, that keeps us from that knowing of ONEness for sheer survival, that's when everything that is meant to be will flow to us. It's energetic law!! Whenever we want something, we energetically push it away. So it's in the letting go of our attachments that the things can come to us. When we are truly in tune with our organic magnetic resonance. No longer chasing, seeking, protecting, pushing or trying to control or prevent anything.

Not when we are closed off and are protecting our-selfs, yet all whilst KNOWing who and what to trust, but never afraid of 'getting hurt' as that too is only possible if we have an ego that takes things personally! As when we let go of the wanting, our desires and needs, but only after we have fully allowed our-selfs to have them, can we collapse the old Realities and all past, present and future in the quantum wave function, within the Neutrality, in the timeless NOW, and what is meant to be will be.

"Ce sera sera whatever will be, will be. The future is not ours to see, ce sera sera"

And that SURRENDER IS TRUE FREEDOM, no longer attached to the illusions of form of this false Matrix! Fully surrendering to the unknown, with childlike wonder, is a message I have received and shared for a while now as truly, we keep making all of this shit up as we go along, in a way. As in, we keep co-creating the future in every now moment with every thought, belief, feeling and action we take as the One Consciousness. We keep collapsing and co-creating World's and Realities in every moment and our focus and attention, our sacred life force and how we use and project it, is our currency. Now we fully re-member again how to co-create REALities responsibly!

We had a near M-class Solar Flare today but otherwise only the Italian Schuhmann Resonance chart showed powerful spikes on the 25th & 26th, and as mentioned we have the wobbly magnetosphere as well as some solar winds and geomagnetic disturbances popped up earlier on that weren't forecasted. That, as well as the geomagnetic storm and solar winds from the 22/23rd that didn't last long at all, and went somehow 'missing', are all signs of Timeline shifts taking place!

I'm picking up on a lot of mind control programs clearing that have been running on repeat that are also connected to the manipulated gravitational field, magnetosphere, ozone layer the full collapse of the AI net. The North Poles axis has also shifted by 23 degrees which is very interesting to notice as the Earth had an artificially manipulated axial tilt at 23.5 degrees that had us feeding into a blackhole system. This has now been corrected and we are again connected back to our True North, the Andromenda Galaxy and Lyra/ Aramatena/ Aurora/ Ascension Earth, through Sirius, Alcyone, and the Galactic Centre, all the way back to Source! I love it when we can see this reflected in the measurables!

As shared, I have been shown that the magnetic field is symbolic for the veil of forgetfulness, as this dissolves now and is replaced by the Planetary Plasma buffer shield, and at personal level by our Aurora Orb body/ bubble, our memories can come fully online along with more of the Cosmic Rays that support our Ascension entering our atmosphere. The Event wouldn't be possible/ or could be seen as equal to the magnetic shield shifting and collapsing!! It very much interlinks.

Let us COLLAPSE THE QUANTUM STANDING WAVE FUNCTION IN THEY ZERO POINT FIELD of NEUTRALITY, in the SILENCE, in NO-TIME, and Divine Love, and dream a whole new dream into being!

Our time has come for us to fully re-member again, AWAKENING our ancient future memories, wisdom, gifts, abilities and power!! This is us stepping into full responsibility and accountability over our Realities and full Guardianship over all realms, as the ancient Maji Grail Queen's and King's, the protectors of our ancient future history, our tribal records and Divine Blueprints, kept safe within our DNA for this moment now to unlock. Because it is us who seeded us and have created all of this!! We can't hold any ounce of separation still within us if we wish to claim this and our One True Self fully! Where there are no more victims and victimizers that keep on playing out the stories of an ancient past of divide and conquer that we are now ready to fully LET GO leave behind us. But we will have to be willing to face it all! ALL OF US! No shadow unacknowledged, all needs to be known, merged with and integrated to Know Thyself fully as God Source embodied.

Ultimately it only takes ONE FULLY AWAKENED unique fractal of Source, fully re-membering our true history again, which holds ALL of our Multidimensional DNA records and Original Creation Codes and Divine Source Blueprints, to change everything forever, as it causes a chain reaction, as there really is only ONE of us here.

Us fully dropping and merging our Minds with our Hearts as ONE, is us returning to Mother's Supermagnetism. This is us activating the new 13th Dimensional Diamond Grid System from deep within our Sacred Crystal Hearts. As we drop from our Minds into our Hearts, a most powerful Healing, Balancing and Harmonisation and Activations takes place, unlocking memories from our ancient future Self and New Edenic Realities. All held within the film strip of our DNA, kept safe for this moment now to fully awaken and ignite.

I'm feeling and allowing all and anything to arise within me unhindered, but silently. Not judging, not trying to change anything as such, I just allow all to flow through and out of me, whilst I hold the balance and stillness. I have finally mastered Grace within the storm. Hallelujah! I am being guided to keep collapsing all that arises within the Zero Point Field, SURRENDERing IT ALL. Whilst the only thing I am expecting and calling forth are Miracles for us ALL! And big ass ones at that!


Because we are The Children of The Creator and here to make the magic happen as we fully re-member our One True Diamond Avatar Self!

No more forgetting and having full confidence in our-selfs, our abilities, gifts, wisdom and power is absolutely key to all of this!

There's really nothing to hold onto right now. No-thing to figure out. All that we need to know is being re-membered now. Not for us to break our little brains into half over. This whole shift back to organic Supermagnetism of the Cosmic Mother is about us dropping from our mind focused way of perceiving and trying to figure life and even spirituality out, to ONE based in the Higher Heart-Mind. Where the Heart leads because that's exactly what's needed for us to CREATE A WORLD WHERE LOVE LEADS THE WAY!

JUST IMAGINE what that would be like. That's part of your Superpower!
Time to make the i'm-possible possible and the invisible visible, for REAL!

Eternal Love & Blessings,