maandag 13 juni 2022

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence


WITHIN the state we call the HUMAN, with every human, there is a State of Peace to be found…
Within the State of Peace,
There is the absence of MEANING.
When there is absence of Meaning,
There is the absence of ‘personality’ REACTION.

There is an absence of Reaction,
Because there is literally the absence of JUDGEMENT,
With the absence of judgement,
There is the absence of POLARITY.
Outside of the Polarity Field,
There is PEACE.

Peace is a NEUTRALITY and a HARMONIC FREQUENCY experienced outside of the Field of Polarity. Every Being can choose to access this, by their moment to moment choice(s).

There is only, EXPERIENCE. For the Soul.
AS SOUL, we see differently. We experience differently. We choose differently. The SOUL has many harmonics. The human linear mind could describe some of these harmonics as:

These are just SOME. There are HIGHER frequencies that are experienced yet can not be converted into a linear language and meaning.

Yet AS the Soul, being SOUL embodied, there is no MEANING when experiencing these harmonics. Because the SOUL is not the human linear MIND that ‘thinks’ and creates MEANING.

The Soul experiences, and chooses what to experience. It creates experience with the ENERGY PRESENCE of LOVE. As the Soul, in the State of SOUL, there is no linear thought, so ‘MEANING’ is absent from the experience. There is just EXPERIENCES in the State of LOVE. This is why, as we become higher and higher in frequency, we identify less with the SPOKEN WORDS (speaking and listening to a human linear language created in personality mind) and we identify MORE and MORE with SENSING and BEING (energy). Because as the SOUL, we are the experience of LIGHT, FREQUENCIES and VIBRATION, weaving as Light and vibration, outside of the Field of Polarity, yet simultaneously experiencing, a human body in a condensed light reality.

With Love
Amanda Lorence
12 June 2022

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Art : Amanda Lorence