dinsdag 21 juni 2022



Our nervous system is receiving powerful Upgrades and Activations along with our vagus nerve and all else. This is also connected to our nadis that relate to the Grid points within the Planetary body as they are being cleared out and activated, ready for the final ignition of the new Diamond Grid System!

As this heals our fight, flight and freeze responses are coming up for their final Healing, causing raised levels of anxiety also as the Frequencies continue to rise and we're being bombarded by constant C-class Solar Flares, Solar storms and other Cosmic Rays and Plasma Waves, that are assisting the re-encryption of our Blueprints as well as all matter, elementals, our physical Realities that are now literally shapeshifting, as we navigate through this final Purification and Quantum Leap within our Ascension out of the artificial Matrix hologram.

RELAX and SURRENDER ALL your remaining worries, fears, doubts and dreams TO SOURCE, all that we cannot change. Accept what is and allow all that arises to flow through and out of you unrestricted. Re-membering what is really REAL and what is part of the illusions falling apart and dissolving. Non-resistance and -judgment are key to allowing an easier Transformation to occur. Earthing and spending plenty of time in nature is one of the best things we can do for our nervous system and overall health, well-being and balance.

No-thing to hold onto Beloveds!

It's all been a dream!

As we re-member our One True Self which is Eternal, the true nature of our quantum realties, and MERGE WITH THE ONENESS that we are, with Source, and ALL OF LIFE EVERYWHERE!
Because the easiest way to TRUST THE UNIVERSE is to BEcome ONE WITH IT!

That's what everyOne is re-membering now!

Eternal Love & Blessings,
Ramona 💙
Also join our SOLSTICE CELEBRATIONS and Remote Quantum Activation of DIVINE COSMIC ONENESS, LOVE & RE-UNION on TUESDAY 21st June @ 10am UK time/ BST (with the Solstice being exact at 10:13am) and/ or the 24th (last 666 Gateway date) @10pm UK time, if you feel called, where we will continue to anchor and amplify these powerful Healing, ONEness, Divine Love & Union and Pure Source Light Codes, Activations and Plasma waves flowing in, on behalf of ALL willing Hearts!

Details in the comments below
As well as the link to my new COSMIC ENERGY UPDATE #29 - THE FINAL RISING, with more information of what I currently see unfolding, along with plenty of navigational tips to assist you on your journey:
Also see this video with some helpful tips on how to help regulate our nervous system by working with our vagus nerve:
Helpful track to support the parasympathetic nervous system and amygdala: