zaterdag 18 juni 2022

Energy Update ~ Jennifer Hoffman

Whew, I feel like we are building up to some major energy shift results in the world over the next few days. The energy has been building for it and it has to let go at some point.

Remember the Algol connection in the very strong May 30 new moon - that energy is still active and Saturn is square Algol right now, not a good aspect to have if you are someone who has been doing naughty things.

The karma boomerang always goes back to the person who started and/or created the situation and that includes people who abuse trust, steal, lie, cheat, and are dishonest.
link for the June energy report is in the comments section
Watch for reveals, results, upset, and re-sets over the coming days, up to 5 days from now. Most of you/us have nothing to worry about. You will know if you do.

I am so tired right now I am going to bed although it is only 10:30pm but I was up at 5AM today and I took a short nap this morning. Anyone else exhausted right now?

Shine on, the fan is turning on and you know what happens when you throw things into a fan...