dinsdag 14 juni 2022

Energy Update ~ Grace Solaris

Blessed beloved pioneers of light our galactic family is coming forth in this glorious upcoming Solstice Portal to share this most auspicious light code transmission, which is an activation of your galactic mother tongue and the light languages that are stored in your crystal record keepers in your body.
It is to trigger the remembrance of your galactic heritage and activate the awakening codes inside you, so that you may connect with your galactic selves and galactic wisdom, that is your true self. It also for the purpose of rewritting your dna and reinstoring the sacred pathways in your brain, the neural connections so that you may reconnect to all your galactic gifts and talents, so you may fulfill your purpose to awaken others to their galactic ancestry and true nature.

The Hathors are intergalactic beings of pure love that are assisting the earth in its ascension.
The Hathors communicate telepathically but mainly thru vibration. They are able to modulate vibration in many ways. Vibration may be translated into color, energy keys and codes, frequencies, light, matter and sound, which may be heard or perceived as tones, click sounds, and scalar waves of frequencies of light. They also communicate information in the language of the Conduit channeling their energy thru words.

I was blessed having them coming forth to offer a light transmission for this Solstice to share ignition codes of light to activate you to your galactic self and open the crystal record keepers stored in your body, that holds the keys and codes, that have been stored there to ignite the remembrance of your divine self and all your divine gifts and talents, including your mother tongues and galactic languages and dialects. I have a received these keys and codes in a light transmission.

This prerecorded transmission, can be accessed when you sign up and as it is published on the Solstice. It will not be accesible, until a few hours before the event starts. I will share a link to Soundcloud with the transmissions, as soon as I have finished the finetuning and editing.

It will crack open the amnesia code and lift the veil of forgetfullness and cause a wave of awakening within your cell memory banks of who you are, so you may step into your purpose in your purest and highest light potential, which is nothing less than infinite.

This is a quantum leap into GALACTIC UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, which will leave all polarity behind.