zaterdag 11 juni 2022

As these incoming Divine Energies are increasing ~ Pars Kutay

As these incoming Divine Energies are increasing. . . it is TIME for us to FOCUS on our SOUL Growth in this NOW Moment!
WE Ask for our Frequencies to BE continually at 169443. . . and Meditate with the Lighted Realms regularly.

As We do this. . . We shall BE Given. . . through our DIVINE Presence within. . . What WE need to Accomplish in our Personal Lessons yet to Learn.
Remember. . . too. . . that each day is really about 12 hours long due to the second being shorter from the Energy of the Photon Belt.

Life Happens while We are making other plans.

WE Stay Focused. . . Balanced. . . Centered. . . and Calm and Live one day at a time in Concentration of those Personal Lessons We have yet to Learn.

WE are to Clear our SELVES often of ANY negativity within us and ask that our Chalice BE Filled with Liquid LOVE. . . LIGHT. . . WISDOM. . . and KNOWLEDGE.

This is to Assure us that our Physical Bodies will NOT Be harmed. . . as the Frequency is as low as we can get. . . which is 169443.
If our Frequencies are any lower. . . caused by negativity. . . our Physical Body will BE damaged.

So. . . We Keep our Vibrational Frequency as HIGH as Possible at All Times.

Pars Kutay
~ 💜 ~
Photo: High Frequency of Angelic Orb - captured in Sweden today 10.06.2022 by Kasia Basia della Orba