woensdag 16 september 2020

“We want you to remember that it is alright to experience a variety of emotions ~ Archangel Michael ~ Amelia Bert

“We want you to remember that it is alright to experience a variety of emotions. It is normal to face ups and downs, it is normal to feel the shifts, to notice the symptoms. We want you to know that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. You came here for this; to be, to exist in this moment, to be affected by the shifts of the world, and to shift yourself.
You can’t have only one emotion constantly that will be mundane. It will make you react in the same way constantly. However you have your personality, and you face different emotions that help you learn through them by the way you react to the world. That is absolutely normal; we don’t want you to constantly be happy. Just accept that what you feel is okay.
Similarly, when the world, the collective, faces changes, you feel them. Honor the symptoms you face. A current energy might make you feel tired, another unable to focus, another might bring you fears, extra energy... Honor those symptoms as you navigate through the shifts, as that is NORMAL. Similar to the emotions, you can’t be in one state constantly since everything is energy and it is moving. You are moving along with them.
Do not run away from what you feel nor fear it. Instead, let it come. Let the anger come and go, let the fear do the same, just like the way you handle a happy emotion. Feel, experience, and accept.
If you would only enjoy the happy emotions from a physical life, then you would be miserable 70% of your life. We want you to feel, accept, and not react negatively any longer. You have a choice to let those emotions and experiences, and symptoms be; no judgment; no fear. They are what they are, and you experience them as you navigate through your own shifts, and that is NORMAL. It doesn’t matter if another feels it or not, you do at that time so that should be enough. Accept what you feel, let those symptoms be okay.
Realize that you have a choice to the way you react to the emotions and the symptoms. They might not change, or ever leave, but your own reaction to them is what makes them bearable and “normal”.
Understand this, and you’ll be on your way to more peace.
We love you.”